
Monday, June 20, 2011

Dani's 25th Birthday Bash

Happy Birthday to Dani.

Robby brought the birthday girl a Britney cookie!


Robby, Dani and lil ol' me!

Robby, Amanda, and Dani with their accordingly sized drinks.

Say WHAT?!?!?

Krista singing "Happy Birthday to you!"

Hugs and Bubbles make the world a better place!!

Dance to some Britney.

One of the cool features at Casa Femme the dry erase fridge.  But even better than that is knowing an amazing artist that can make it look FANTASTIC! Thanks Krista.

Arnold singing to the birthday girl via Skype.

Happy, Happy Birthday Dani! May all your wishes come true and all your hopes be fulfilled.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer Sun

I bought Brooklyn an inflatable pool so that she has someplace cool to be during this brutal Oklahoma summer. 

Dani and Brookums trying out the new pool with a palm tree that in the middle that drips water from its leaves.

What a beautiful face.  Miss Brookums you give me a reason to smile everyday! 

Such a beautiful smile! 

A happy family.  I am so blessed to have such wonderful roommates at Casa Femme.

Enjoying some refreshments from their sippee cups. 

Brookums drinking water out of her sippee cup while playing in the water. :)

Brooklyn and her Mommy, Amanda.

Brooklyn and her Da, Dani. 

Blowing some kisses!

There is nothing in this world more beautiful than a child's smile.

Another summer treat, homemade ice cream.  

Dani and Amanda, enjoying summertime. 

This picture is so beautiful.  Amanda is so happy and Brooklyn is just delighting in getting a new perspective on her world.  

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Boom

Celebrating Dani's birthday early at the Boom.

Birthday girl, Dani with her honey Amanda.

Amanda and I

Me and "Mr. Sexy" Eric

Dani on stage with Jak'kay Monroe, Renee Hilton and other persons celebrating their birthday at the Boom. 

Dani is very happy to be celebrating her birthday at Trashy Thursday at the Boom.

Dani, Amanda, myself, Eric and Keith (my friend from school).

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Casa Femme's Night Out

Our home has been lovingly dubbed "Casa Femme."  We began calling the detached garage "the casa" because it contains a small studio apartment.  The "femme" was added because there are four (counting miss Brooklyn) ladies that live here.

Tonight we decided to get dressed up and go out on the town!

The world's best roomies, Amanda and Dani.

Amanda and I, ready to paint the town red.

At the bar with Robby, Krista and Amanda!

Dani and her mustache, Amanda and Krista with her mustache.

Bud Light, Dani and her 'stache.

Apparently, Amanda is boring Robby.

She must have told him a joke to "un"bore him.

The girls and their 'staches.

Yellow 'stache, Krista and Robby.

Robby thinks yellow 'stache is hysterical!

One very adorable couple and great women to live with. 

Eric obviously enjoying Dani's brand of bump and grind.

Keith enjoying Amanda's bump and grind.

Such cuties! Dani and "Mr. Sexy" Eric.

We all had such a fun night out! Thanks for making it memorable.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Mountain of Documents

In order to submit our I-129-F Petition for Fiance Visa we must include:
  1. Birth Certificates of both petitioner (me) and beneficiary (Arnold).
  2. Death Certificates and/or Divorce Decrees form any/all previous marriages (just me)
  3. Copy of evidence of having met in person.  Such as: plane tickets, passport stamps, photos of us together, etc. 
  4. New passport photos of both of us.
  5. Filing fees in cashier's check or money order.
We send all of the above and also include a stack of almost 200 photographs of our recent trip to the Philippines,  copies of our airline tickets to the Philippines, copies of our airline tickets to Boracay together, copies of hotel receipts, copies of my visa extension while in the Philippines, copies of Facebook messages sent back and forth, copies of skype conversations back and forth.

What I didn't expect was the sheer volume of our skype conversations back and forth over the months.  Granted Arnold and I skype every day both before and after work, but most of that is actually video chatting.  So, I was not prepared for it to amount to over 1600 pages when transferred over to a word document.  I didn't even attempt to copy that many pages.  Instead I saved the word document onto a disc and included the disc with our mountain of paperwork.

No one said this would be easy but I flabbergasted by the amount of words we have typed back and forth to each other. Occasionally, I have looked at our previous conversations on skype; just to remember those moments that made me fall in love with him.  Since it doesn't include the conversations from video, it is just the typed comments we instant messaged, we have this amazing record of our interactions. I guess its the modern day equivalent of love letters written to your beloved.  It's just that ours are probably much less eloquent and far more sarcastic.