
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This or That Tag

Welcome to Chronic Corner on the Beauty Block of the World Wide Web. This may come as a shock to some but I haven't yet done the This or That tag. I was tagged by the beauty Bear Tiggy from Mr Bear's Little Room to this tag. She finds the cutest products, has the coolest bird and is absolutely adorable. You should really pop over to her channel and give her a look see. If you don't find something cute then your heart is two sizes too small. 

Beauty Blitz - Makeup
Blush or Bronzer 

Lipgloss or Lipstick
Lipstick! Nude, please!

Eyeliner or Mascara
Mascara or else you cannot see my eyes. 

Foundation or Concealer
Mostly BB. If no BB then foundation

Natural or Colorful Eyeshadow

Pressed or Loose Eyeshadow
Mostly Pressed

She Nailed It - Nails
OPI or China Glaze
 Sinful Colors or Sinful Shine

 Long or Short Nails

Acrylic or Natural

Flower or No Flower
No Flower but cute simple things 

Rock Your Body - Personal Care

Perfume or Body Spray

Lotion or Body Butter
Body Butter

Body Wash or Soap
Body Wash

LUSH or Other Bath Companies

Keep Your Clothes On - Fashion

Jeans or Sweat Pants

Long or Short Sleeves

Flip Flops or Sandals
Slippers in the Philippines, Flip Flops in America 

Scarves or Hats

Studs or Dangly Earrings

Necklaces or Bracelets

Jackets or Hoodies

The Back of Your Head is Ridiculous - Hair
Curly or Straight
Yes, my hair is naturally curly sometimes I embrace sometimes not. 

Bun or Ponytail

Bobby Pins or Butterfly Clips
Butterfly Clips 

Long or Short Hair

Light or Dark Hair
Medium which is Dark for me

Side Sweep or Full on Bangs

Up or Down

What You Talking about Willis? - Random
Rain or Shine

Summer or Winter
Both - I love having four distinct seasons.

Autumn or Spring
Both - I love all the seasons equally. 

Chocolate or Vanilla
Hot - Chocolate 
Cold - Vanilla 

Yay! Tags are done! Boyet is off to work! Quiet even home alone again. 

  • We're Talking about: The showdown that happening at high noon on Wednesday November 6 at the OK Corral between Jackie from Five Two Certified and myself. We are both posting our reviews of the L'Oreal Butterfly mascara then. 
  • We're Praying about: My health and his background check. We need both to be in tip top shape! 
  • We're Laughing about: Stupid you tube videos. It will never get old. 
  • Keep following us here, on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram
  • Sunshine, Part 2

    Welcome to my blog's humble abode. Where life is great, makeup is colorful, new and old friends are always welcome, and everybody knows your name. Oh wait. Sorry, wrong intro. Anyway, onto the purpose of this post. I was nominated by the ever so lovely Vanessa from Lipstick and Lattes (don't you love that name) for the The Sunshine Award/Tag Part Two, Dos, Deux, Dalawa, Dva, Ni..... I think we get the picture. It was also requested that I answer the questions of another young beauty Saffron from Saffy Style. Plus first time around I missed the whole 11 random things bit. So I'll pick up this round. 

    My Randomness:

    1. I can quilt.
    I made all of these

    2. Winnie the Pooh is my favorite of anyone, ever.

    Just one of many in my collection

    3. I love photography. Click the photography tab at the top of the page to see my treasures.  

    4. I once dressed as Pebbles at work. I am seen here sitting on my bosses knee.

    Halloween 1995ish 

    5. I used to hunt quail when I was younger. My family has raised and trained Brittany Spaniel's as hunting dogs. Yes, I can shoot; quite well, I might add. 

    6. It cannot be Christmas until this happens. 

    7. I collect pens. They even have a fancy storage wooden storage chest. I can tell you where I got every single one of them, including the ones I stole. 

    The orange one is a light up pen just like the one in Sissi's purse post at Beauty4Free2U

    8. I took my son to Vegas for his 21st birthday.

    My Critter, Brendon

    9. I was in rifle corps during high school. 

    I'm looking really serious. 

    10. I was born when the astronauts were taking the first walk on the moon. Yes, that makes me old. Kudos to you that know how old I am without looking it up! 

    11. My first job was as a magician's assistant. 

    I was too tall to be the girl in this box. 

     Questions from Vanessa for me to answer.

    1. What is your favorite type of makeup?
    Mascara! I have blonde lashes!

    2. What is your dream job?
    My job at the YMCA is my dream job. My hours are flexible the people I work with are awesome. My members are amazing. I love everything about my job. Plus I know I am making a difference in peoples' lives.

    3. If I could live anywhere, where would it be?
    Split time between here in Oklahoma and the Philippines. They are both my home.

    4. What's your favorite holiday?
    Thanksgiving. It's about family, food, love and mostly giving thanks.

    5. What would you have for your last supper?
    I hope I never find out. If I am planning my last supper then it means that I know I'm dying. If I am terribly ill I probably don't feel like eating. The only other option for this scenario is to be on death row. No thanks, I'll pass.

    6. If you could have supper with anyone, past or present, who would it be?
    My big brother. He died before I was born. He only lived 10 days and my entire life I know he's been with me; but, I've never met him.

    7. City or Country?

    8. What is your favorite palette?
    Smashbox Master Class Palette because there are so many GREAT options!

    9. Do your friends and family know about your blog?
    Yes some even read it.

    10. What's your favorite TV show?
    I'm a documentary buff. So it would probably be America Unearthed which you've probably never heard of but you should give it a go. It's amazing. "History as we know it is wrong."

    11. Who's your biggest inspiration?
    My Mom. She's a breast cancer and double open heart surgery survivor. She taught me how to be happy even though I'm sick. She's always has been and always will be the reason why I'm kind and good. I love you Mo. She had to put up with me my entire life. I'm the pissed off one in the front. I had no need to stop playing and comb my hair.

    Questions from Saffy for me to answer.

    1. Why did you start to blog?
    Chronic illness. I needed a way to get the words out of my head.

    2. Describe your blog in one sentence?
    Makeup mixed with a few life lessons and a lot of happiness.

    3. What do you hope that your blog does to your readers?
    I hope that my blog inspires people to be nicer to others and to themselves. Life is shorter than we expect. Love each other before it's too late.

    4. If you could have two celebrities as your friend, who would it be and why?
    Nope. Don't want celebrity friends. I don't need their chaos. But if I could spend some quiet time with one it would be Lady Gaga. This picture was taken at one of her concerts that I attended. She is the greatest at spreading peace and love.

    5. What is your favorite book and why?
    Tao of Pooh is my favorite book. I reminds me that don't have to be anybody or anything; I just have to be. I highly recommend it.

    6. What is one of your most embarrassing moments?
    Don't know that I really get embarrassed. I own my mistakes. So I will share interesting tidbit. When I was 15 my bestie and I were caught out after curfew by the police. The brought us into the police station until our parents could get there. She and I sang 'Itsy Bitsy Spider' and giggled about the whole thing.

    7. Describe your life outside of blogging.
    I work, I eat, I take meds, I don't really sleep, I meditate, I pray, I walk, I write.

    8. When you were young, what were your dreams for the future?
    I've always lived in the present. I never spent much time wishing for the future. I was always too busy scheming in the present. I was born impetuous and always will be.

    9. Do you have any family members who are also bloggers?
    Nope, just me.

    10. What is your favorite inspirational quote?

    Thank you for joining me in my madness that is life. Thank you for your interest in wanting to know more about me. Truthfully, I'm just a squirrel trying to get a nut. Go forth and have a beautiful life!

    Tuesday, October 29, 2013

    Drugstore Haul featuring Newbies

    Welcome to my happy blog where we will talk about my little CVS haul featuring some new products. Well, one of isn't new; but the rest are new. 

    Let's start with the item that is not new. I received a coupon from the Coupon Center for $1.00 off any NYC item valued at $1.99 or more. So I bought a NYC Liquid Lip Shine for $0.99! 

    I bought the shade Midtown Mulberry which is a lighter berry shade which is perfect for the fall. Plus, I work in Midtown section of the city so it's a cute connection. It smells slightly sweet and seems to have decent pigmentation. 

    Then this happened. I came across these two displays and was immediately drawn to them! New stuffs by Revlon and by Maybelline. Ohhhhh things are getting interesting now! 

    These new Maybelline Color Elixir is being touted as Maybellines #1 Liquid Color Balm. It's said to deliver the color of a lipstick, the cushiony care of a balm and the glass shine of a gloss. So I am not sure yet what it's supposed to be. I figured at 30% I could spend a few bucks to figure it out. 

    I chose the color 035 Dashing Orchid because it's a step outside of my comfort zone and I do not need another nude anything. It's a gorgeous shimmery berry plum. I am looking forward to trying this product out.  

    Next, I stumbled upon the new Revlon Colorburst Matte Balms. Oh so intriguing! I love Revlon Balm Stains so what is this new product? It doesn't say stain but you know that's what everyone is thinking. I look forward to trying this cute lil guy out! 

    I bought the color 205 Elusive. Now before you say anything about the fact that this is just a pinky nude, let me explain that I really want to do a head to head comparison between this and my Tarte Lipsurgence in Envy. I can immediately tell that the color will not be a match but we shall test it out anyway.

    They were having a buy one get one 50% off so I couldn't get just one. So I had to pick up one of the Revlon Colorburst Laquer Balms. Oh the package is sooooo pretty; sadly, it doesn't photograph well because it's shiny. 

     I bought the color 115 in Whimsical because this hot pink shiny packaging and the name! Too cute. Again it does not say that this product is long wearing but we know that we want it to be because we have been spoiled by the balm stains. 

    The last item I picked up is the L'Oreal Voluminous Butterfly Mascara in Blackest Black. It claims to feature a breakthrough wing tip brush to lengthen, stretch and volumize every lash. It claims to have fibers to instantly coat lashes.

    This is definitely a unique brush. You can easily see that its curved so it looks like it would hug your lashes. 

    This photo is the best I could capture of the two 'wings.' I am anxious to try this mascara to see if lives up to my expectations. I will do an individual review on the new items within the next few weeks. 

    Thank you so much for stopping in on my little haul to see the new offerings at the drugstore. If you would like to try the new Revlon Colorbust items, they are on sale buy one get one 50% off through November 2, 2013 at CVS. The Maybelline Elixir is on sale for 30% off until then as well. L'Oreal is spend $10.00 and get $3.00 back until November 2 also. So it's an excellent time to stop by and check these offerings out. I had a few other coupons that I needed to use so I ended up spending only $5.33 on all of my purchases! 

  • We're Talking about: Yesterday Boyet had gone to the pharmacy to pick up my prescriptions. He had taken my CVS card but he didn't give it back! So I had to stop by his work prior to going shopping. 
  • We're Praying about: My health. I am still not back to 100% and I keep thinking I'll feel better tomorrow. The problem is that I should be back to 100% but I'm not. I am afraid that if I go to the doctor's that they will want to do  spinal tap. That's probably an unfounded fear but when you've had several before, you never want one again.
  • We're Laughing about: The fact that as I am typing this haul, my blogging buddy Jackie from Five Two Certified has just published a haul and she bought the same mascara. I am quite curious to see how our opinions will vary. 
  • Keep following us here, on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram
  • BBBB, Creating a Grab Button

    You have arrived at another installment of the Building a Better Beauty Blog series on my blog Shalunya & Boyet. The BBBB series is a collaboration with Laurie from the The Makeup Squid. She has written some excellent articles on blog content and organization. You can find a list of all the posts in this series by clicking the BBBB tab just under the header.

    FINE PRINT: Beauty bloggers come from all walks of life and have varying degrees of computer knowledge. There is no way to write a single post for all of the different levels of knowledge. In order to provide everyone with the most detailed explanation possible, this post is written as if I am instructing a brand new blogger about this element of blog design. After all, if a blogger is seeking information this post would be of no benefit to them if I left them with more questions than answers. If you have some knowledge of blog design feel free to skim this post and use it as pictorial instructions as it is possible that I could cover an aspect of design that you had not considered before. If you are extremely familiar with this topic please feel free to leave me a comment so that I may learn from your experience. 

    Today's post is going to be how to create your own Grab Button so that you can swap buttons with other bloggers. First let's discuss shape. Grab Buttons should be square so that they are easy to create and easy to resize. It should be a clear image or design that speaks to the nature of your blog. Please remember that the image you use should be an image or design that does not have any copyright conflicts. If you have grabbed an image from Google please remember that you could end up with a lengthy court battle on your hands should the owner of that image choose to take legal action. The background image of my blog, grab button, and other social media outlets is an image I took with my own camera while I was in the Philippines. Therefore, I can rest assured that my image is safe to use.  

    First you are going to need a photo editor. I use Photoshop a lot; but not everyone has or wants to use Photoshop as it's a heavy program an it's not exactly user friendly. I also use Fotor, a free online photo editor, a fair amount as it has some great filters. PixlrFotoFlexerLunapicPicnik and plenty more are also great online photo editors. You should become comfortable with one and use it regularly in order to become familiar with it. For demonstration purposes I am going to utilize Fotor since it is what I am most familiar with. Most photo editing programs are similar but some have different features. Feel free to use whichever program you are most comfortable with. 

    If you are going to design something feel free to download either of the blank 200x200 squares as a template with which to start your Grab Button. The first block has a transparent or see through background and must be saved as either a .gif or a .png in order to keep the background transparent. The second template has a white background and can be saved as a .jpg
    Grab Button Blank Transparent

    Grab Button Blank White

    Whether you use an image or a blank template you will need to open the image or template in Fotor.  With an photo image the first thing you will need to do is to crop it into the proper shape. Ensure that your are on the Photo Editing tab with the paintbrush on it, next to the blue arrow. Next you will want to ensure you are on the Basic Edits selection on the left side which also has a paintbrush which is next to the red arrow. Then open the Crop selection next to the green arrow. 

    Ensure that you have chosen Square so that the crop tool can crop a perfect square for you. 

    Next is when you get to decide if you want to show a small portion of your image.

    Or a larger portion of your image. Once you have made that choice, click the Apply button. 

    After you have cropped your image to a square shape you will want to Resize the image to the correct size which should be 200x200. Some websites will recommend that Grab Buttons should be made 125x125. The problem I have with that is if a blogger should choose to enlarge your button some clarity may be lost. Whereas if you create a larger image and it needs to be downsized the image will retain it's crisp quality. 

    Next you will want to apply your desired text to the image by clicking the Text option represented by the T next to the red arrow. After that you will scroll through your font options and choose the one you prefer. Next you will click the Insert Text Button 

    Click inside the 'Enter Text Here' and enter whatever verbiage you would like to have displayed on your Grab Button. 

    Once you have the Grab Button Designed the way you would like click the Share selection circled in blue on the left side of your screen. Click Apply when prompted by Fotor. 

    After you have the Grab Button saved on your computer. You will need to upload it to a photo sharing site. Again their are several options such as PhotobucketPicasa Web Album, SkyDriveShutterfly, Flickr and more. I prefer Flickr as it gives you a Terabyte of storage space which is a lot! Once you get signed into Flickr click upload circled in blue in the top center of your screen.

    Next you will choose photos that you would like to upload. You could also pick, click and drag the image from where you are storing it, probably in your photos folder, to the Flickr screen and drop the photo. 

    On the next screen you will need to select the photos you would like to upload and then click the blue button in the top right corner of your screen. 

    Once they have uploaded you will need to determine the URL for sharing the image. In Flickr it is a small symbol in the bottom right corner which I have circled in yellow for you. 

    You will see a small box popup and you will want to ensure that you are on the Grab the HTML/BBCode tab. Click inside the box with the text and then hit CTRL + A for all. Then click CTRL + C for copy. However, you will not need all of the code you just copied. You will only need a portion of that code. The portion that you need is highlighted in yellow. 

    <a href="" title="Fotor01029151413 by shalunyya721, on Flickr"><img src="" width="200" height="200" alt="Fotor01029151413"></a>

    Next you will go to Grab My Button Code Generator from My Cool Realm and enter the following information. You will use the information specific to your blog and your image below.

    Your website/Blog Title: THE NAME OF YOUR BLOG
    Your website/Blog URL:
    Your image URL:

    After you have entered those three things you will click on the Preview button. 

    A white box will pop up displaying what your Grab Button image with code box underneath will look like. If your image does not show ensure that you are using only the yellow highlighted portion of the code from Flickr.

    Once you are satisfied with the image click the green Get Code box. 

    Once again you will want to click inside the code box. Select all of the text with CTRL + A for all and then copy with CTRL + C. As we learned in Grab Buttons for Your Sidebar you will then Add a Gadget in your side bar, select HTML/Java Script. Paste that code into the HTML box with CTRL + V. After you click Save you can view your new Grab Button on your side bar. 

    Thank you again for sitting through another long episode of BBBB. I hope you have enjoyed building your own Grab Button and installing it on your blog. If you have any questions feel free to contact me on any of my social media outlets. You can find all of my social media links under our about me photo at the top right of my blog. I hope everyone is have a wonderful day and a beautiful life. Peace and love be with all of you.