
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Receipt of Petition for Alien Fiance

Today in the mail I received our receipt for Arnold's visa application.  Officially the United States Government calls this form: I-797-C, Notice of action.  What it means to us is that the U.S. Government as officially accepted our Petition for Arnold to enter the United States due to our intent to marry. This is an exciting step in our journey to be together. We are so blessed to have the opportunity and the means in order to make this happen.

This is also the first step into the red tape of the great American government. We have been told there is a waiting time of five months.  We are hoping it will be sooner than that but we just have no way of knowing. I am certain that he is worth the wait, it's just that I am not a very patient person.  So this will be a great test of endurance for me. Luckily, I have Arnold by my side holding my hand through this process. Hopefully, things will go smoothly for us.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Friday Night Football

Friday night my high school alma mater, Del City High School, had its last and final game with their arch rival,  Midwest City High School.  My school is being moved down to a smaller classification.  When I was in high school, I was in band and played clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, and was in the rifle corps.  Some of the prior students decided it was time for the old band geeks to come back and enjoy playing in the band again.  I chose not to play since A) I wouldn't remember how and B) I no longer have an instrument to play.  But I did enjoy sitting with the band during the football game.

It was a very small group of alumni that came. 

One of my oldest and dearest friends, Keith, giving the peace sign over Regina's shoulder while his brother in law, Kelly, stands above us.

It was a very sad game. We lost! 64 to 38! UGH!

My sister, Tammy, and I standing up looking like twinkies?!?!?!