
Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Giggles of Girls

My sweet, precious Grandniece Madison at 16 months old.  She’s lively, curious and such a delightful baby. I hope you go through life with the same happy outlook you have right now.

My beautiful, thoughtful Grandniece Brookelynn at 3 and a half. She’s introspective, shy and so very smart. I hope that life brings you and abundance of happiness. You are such a blessing to so many.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Beauty Found

The amazing view of a winter sunset as seen from our backyard.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

I was very blessed to have the opportunity to spend Christmas with my family this year.  However, my heart goes out to Arnold who is so far away from his beautiful girls, his family and me. He doesn’t really even get the opportunity to celebrate Christmas the way I do since he is not in a Christian country. All of my Christmas wishes aren’t for presents or happiness, they are just for Arnold, in hopes that he can feel the joy of the Christmas season while he is so far away from those he loves.

Awwwww, Cute Kitty! Casanova thinks he’s cute enough to be a Christmas present.

Yep, Christmas eve and we are still wrapping gifts!! Great job Tammy!!

Even my nieces, Kaitlyn and Brittany are busy being Santa’s elves.

My Dad brought my sister some old wagon wheels to place in her yard. Boy are they big!

We love, love, love playing Apples to Apples. It’s a card game that is sure to get everyone laughing.

They have now come out with Sour Apples to Apples, a new twist on our old favorite

Now, if you lose you have to pay the consequences of giving up a card or even remaining silent for a turn.
Yep, even though he was told to hold his tongue his face still spoke loudly!

Dad, Mom and Sis, you made me who I am today. There aren’t enough words to say thank you! I love you all so very much! Merry Christmas.

My Mom and Dad have been blessed with 3 wonderful grandkids, Brittany, Brendon and Kaitlyn.'

My sister, Ta (Tammy) and I.  WE have been through plenty of ups and downs but she will always be my one and only sister.  I love you, sis!!

Unfortunately, later that evening  I had a severe migraine attack.  My mom ended up taking me to the hospital emergency room around 2 am.  The doctors recognized my severe pain and shot me full of dilaudid (a form of morphine).  So I spent all of Christmas day sleeping off and on at my parents house while everyone else enjoyed unwrapping presents, spending time with each other, etc. I won’t complain. Blessings come in all shapes and sizes.  For me, my Christmas blessing was the dilaudid and an end to the pain.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dad's Christmas Lights

Every year my dad goes all out with the Christmas lights.  It seems that every year he continues to add another new element to his light spectacular.

 Dad likes collecting all the different colors of lighted trees. 

The reindeer and Santa's sleigh loaded with gifts!

The hedge all decorated with net lights.

 The manger with Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus.

 Frosty the Snowman.

 Miniture Santa lights lining the flower bed.

 Miniture Frosty the Snowman lights.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Spending time with the Grandnieces

Why yes! Everyone wears their red, white and blue tutu on their head. 

 Sweet Brookie working on tying her shoes. 

Madi just being a cutie.

 Such a sweet happy lil girl

"Look at me! I am smiling."

 "Hu? We weren't doing anything."

Sisterly love.

Sisters make the greatest pillows.

Just chillin' in the fridge.

 Madi enjoying reading on my nook.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving is a time to gather together as a family to enjoy great food and spending time with those that mean the most to us.

Miss Madison is ready for some Turkey!

Oh no! How much longer do I have to wait?

Where's the grub?

Brookelynn enjoying some time with her Aunt KK while waiting for dinner.

Donations? Money? I have my wallet, I'd like some money to put in in please. <3

Time to get my jam on! ROCK ON Madi girl!

Now we're talking! Time to eat!

Grandmas always make every meal better!

"Mom, you're cutting into my eating time."

Ahhhhh, post turkey nap time on Grammy's lap.

Madison and I wishing Arnold a Happy Thanksgiving.

My Dad, Papa, with his great-granddaughter, Brookelynn.

Grammy kisses are the best! 

Yay, Grammy loving!

Such a beautiful picture of such a beautiful young lady.

This was the first year we have hosted Thanksgiving.  It was a great day and we enjoyed every minute of it.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Beauty Day at Casa Femme!

Saturday we spent the day enjoying 'beauty' time.  We did home pedicures, followed by face scrub, facial masks, painting the toes and fingers, and finally, makeup time! My sister, my nieces, my roommates and my niece's friend joined in all the fun!

Lesson 1: Do not put foaming foot soak in a foot spa that has jets! We had a mountain of bubbles.

My younger niece, Kaitlyn, has sensitive feet and she would not stay still. So my sister, her Mom, straddled her and held her leg so I could scrub!

She was a squirmy little bugger!!! 

Cassie and Kaitlyn sporting their facial masks 

Even Miss Brooklyn needed to join in the action.  She sat down on the floor as we were all painting our nails and yanked her socks off.

Paint my toes too please! 

My sister, Tammy, at the end of spa day! Looking great and feeling awesome!

Cute checkerboard design I did for my niece, Brittany.

Leopard spots on Lisa Frank colors!

With matching toes!!