
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mobile blogging.

I got a new phone yesterday, a Samsung Galaxy S2 Skyrocket. Since it has a blog app I am going to take this opportunity to encourage myself to blog more! My phone has a great camera on it so I have no excuse. I can take pics and blog away. I am looking forward to revitalizing the blog!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Me and my crazy ideas.

So I found this skirt online and was totally enamored with it. It's a multi-colored, tiered, circle skirt. I think its adorable. So I decided I need to make one for myself. I know how to sew and even have two sewing machines so this is a project that I know I can tackle! I also have a fairly large stash of fabric so I immediately started digging for the fabrics I hoped to use in the project. I love the colors of the skirt in the picture but I decided I wanted to go with truer rainbow colors.

Step one: Picking/Purchasing the fabrics for this project.

Step two: Determining how many 5.5" squares of each color I need

Step three: Cutting all those 5.5" squares. I started with 64 red squares. I ended with 480 purple squares! What was I thinking!!

Step four: Sew those squares together side by side.

Step five: Marvel at the length 480 squares sewn together!!

Step six: Run a gathering stitch along one side of the long rows of each color.

Step seven: Baste the now gathered color to the bottom of the previous color.

Step eight: Machine sew what you just basted.

Step nine: Repeat, Repeat, Repeat.

Of course, each row gets exponentially harder.  I am currently only on the yellow  row and it was quite a task making sure the gathers are centered so that I have an even flow of ruffles all the way around the skirt. I am anxious to see the finished product and will share pictures as soon as it is completed.