
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Big Birthday

So yesterday I turned the big 4-0. And I wish I could say that I was princess for a day but it didn't turn out quite that way. There are some things going on back at home that I wish I could be there for but I can't. My laptop decided that it didn't want to keep the cd/dvd drive in it's employment so it quit working. And I had a moment of complete insanity and it hung around a little too long. So I questioned everything about my life.... like my health, my weight, the way I live, my lack of purpose, being so far from my kid and my dog having cancer. And after a pretty good pity party, I decided to get off my ass and do something about it. So I started organizing some things that needed attention. But I managed to work myself into a frenzy and since we have no real A/C I overdid it. So I ended up in bed taking a nap in the one room where we have a portable A/C unit.

My dear sweet friend, who lives in Florida and just celebrated her 40th on the 15th of July sent me the most beautiful red roses, TWO dozen of them!


Thank you so much Adrienne.... You've always sent the best thing at the right time! And I love you for it!! It was the perfect pick me up to a mentally crazy day!!! It was just what I needed!!!

I also got  the most AMAZING Vera Bradly Laptop bag!


And I got the new Sims 3 game because I have been enjoying Sims 2.

So I am now trying to get my mind back to a state of normal....whatever that it. I got up early this morning and made a couple of cards, one for a wedding and one for a birthday. I am now going to get ready and take my laptop to the shop, and I am going to get my hair cut.  But the important part is that I have decided to make a change for the better in my life. I've let too many things get me down and I'm not gonna do it anymore! They say life begins at 40! We'll I'm gonna prove them right!

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