
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Computer, Canine, Couple

So I knew the cd/dvd drive quit working in my laptop and I tried all the tricks of the trade to get it back. Unfortunately, it just wasn't going to happen. So instead I decided it was time to do some computer housekeeping. I restored it back to factory settings. So now I'm in the process of reinstalling all my favorite software. It's nice to have a computer that doesn't have a bunch extemporanious things that inevitably creep onto your computer. So it's running much faster and I am enjoying that!!!

I do believe my dog has gotten lazy....... I found her this evening... sprawled out... lounging like the princess she is while licking her front leg. Maybe she's multitasking!! That's it she's cleaning her front leg and paw while inspecting the carpet! She's such a good dog. And considering the fact that she has cancer and is on chemo, she's still Ginger! She's very playful. Her vet is so pleased with her progress. He said she looks fantastic!

So now I am getting ready to go California.  I went over to the happy couples house last night so I could help the bride put together favor boxes for the wedding. But I must say we also had the groom involved in the assembly line process of putting these boxes together. I also got some scrubbing done in the kitchen since we have someone coming over to house and puppy sit for us while we are in California. So all in all it was a productive day. 

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