
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Staying Busy.

So I've got too many irons in the fire right now. Or so it seems. I am trying to work on getting some sewing done for Christmas. If I don't start now it'll be here and I won't have a thing done. I am also working on with digital pictures . I need to make a new blogger layout but I haven't found time to do that one! I need to start organizing stuff since I'll be living like a gypsy for a year.  And I am planning on going to visit the kid next month. My plate is quite full. It feels good actually and it feels good to being up to dealing with a full plate. It's nice not to have my health (or lack there of) being the focus of life.

I am missing summer. While the rest of the country is experiencing a real summer it's been 75 degrees here. Now for my friends in the south they think this is awesome. But the truth is that 75 is not summer for a southern girl. If it doesn't reach 100 then it's not summer.

I need to say HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY to my friend Adrienne. She and I were born only 6 days apart and have been friends forever. We met in 7th grade and went to school together for a couple of years before her Dad got stationed in Florida. And she's lived in that area ever since. But we have remained friends all this time. She is one of my closest and dearest friends. There isn't much we don't know about each other. She's a beautiful soul and I'm graced to call her my Friend.

Well, it's late.... I'm off to bed

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