
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Blogs and Dogs

Well, you can all see that I’ve changed my blogger AGAIN. The fact that I couldn’t get the other links to work properly in Internet Explorer was really driving me mad. So I gave it up and decided to create a new background and use a premade Blogger template and just tweak it.  I must tell all my friends that all the cute elements are coming from www. Now I’m not really a digital scrapbooker I prefer playing with papers, glitter and glue. But I think the stuff from Shabby Princess is too cute!!! They offer great free downloads, the best I’ve ever found, and their coordinates are awesome!
Every month they offer a free desktop background and I adore these.  This is my current desktop background
SP August 2 2009
These backgrounds are sooooo easy. All you need a simple photo editor such as photoshop. The layouts are premade with holes for the photos. So all you need to do is layer the photos underneath the background, save and then post it as your background! Easy Peasy!
So please go visit! It’s well worth your time.
So we took Ginger to the vet yesterday about the scratch on her eye. He numbed her all up and put the fluorescent drops in her eyes. I got to see with the blacklight what the scratch looks like on her eye.  It’s pretty big and this is the one eye she has without a cataract. Why couldn’t she have scratched the one with the cataract??? But, of course, isn’t this the way life works?? She will be left with a blurry spot in her vision but last week the oncologist said, “She doesn’t need to read the paper.” Which, I guess, is true; especially since we don’t even subscribe to the paper.
The vet was a little concerned about her catching the scratched spot with her dew claw while she is scratching and cleaning her face. Her eye is a bit bothersome so she does rub her face on the couch as a means of scratching it. She hasn’t been rubbing her face with her paw, but it’s not beyond comprehension. If she managed to catch the scratch she could rupture her eye. So since that is her good eye we need to do what we can to protect it. So he gave her a cute bandage to cover her dew claw.
She hasn’t even tried to take it off…she’s such a good patient!  But you can see that she’s kinda squinting out of her right eye. That’s the one with the big scratch. We have no idea what she did to cause the scratch! But eye injuries just aren’t fun. I know this one first hand because when I was 15 I was striking a match to light a candle.  Apparently the match head flew off and burned my eye. Luckily, I wasn’t wearing my contacts at the time or it could have been really bad. I do have a scar on my eye but it doesn’t affect my vision at all. So I sympathize with Miss Ginger. She’s taking after me! With all her medical problems.

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