
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Going Home

So I had a very long but uneventful flight home. I didn’t sit next to any jerks, stinky people or Chatty Cathys. So all was good.  When I got to the airport my kiddo and my Mom were there to pick me up.   Brendon had to go to work so I had plans to go out with one of his classmates, Mary, she really is an adopted daughter to me.  We get along sooooo well and we love to sing Lady Gaga and the soundtrack to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I can even forgive her for being a bleeding heart liberal! Life just hasn’t left her with many scars, and hopefully it never will. She always sees the good in people and I love that about her.
Mary took me out to dinner at Johnny Carinos, my all time favorite Italian restaurant. The Italian nachos are the BEST!!! They arent made with chips they are made with fried pasta! covered in sausage, chicken, olives, peppers, onions, alfredo and cheese!!! OMG!!! We split the chicken parmesan for dinner and sat and talked and talked and talked. I needed to run to Wal Mart where we had so much fun just wandering the aisles, looking at shoes and being amazed at these really really really cute high heels that we found, and laughing at Mary trying to drive a jet ski on Wii Sports Resort.  Then we went to the bowling alley where we hung out waiting for the kid to get off work. So we had to play some more Lady Gaga on the juke box! She’s sooooo talented, even if she is a little unconventional. That’s probably why I like her so much!  Mary and I just enjoyed spending time together and hanging out! I miss her sooooo much while I’m in Washington.  So now it’s 230am here and I’ve been up for 20 hours so I am calling it quits. But I am looking forward to all of the adventures I get to have while being home!

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