
Friday, October 2, 2009

Washington Shopping

So it was time to take the day off and  go check out a local attraction which I had not yet been to.
102_2954The most famous of the shops within in the market sells seafood and they throw the fish. Now we did not see any fish throwing today but we enjoyed the market none the less. 
102_2960In addition to several fresh seafood merchants there are plenty of merchants selling beautiful  fresh flowers.
The colors are amazing and so vibrant! It’s so refreshing to see bouquets that are full of unusual flowers. Dahlias are in season right now and they are so incredibly beautiful!
102_2965We had lunch at the market at Lowell’s and it was sooooo good.
The booth we sat at overlooked the inside of the market. We could see a produce vendor with fruits and veggies that were so colorful and beautifully displayed!
They have strings of peppers hanging over the produce.  Now I don’t care for peppers but these look really appealing!
The sign that sits atop the market. It’s a familiar landmark to all the locals here and it’s a beacon herding the tourists in to this amazing attraction.
Across the street from the market one can find great views of Safeco field home of the Seattle Mariners; as well as, Quest field where Matt Hasselbeck quarterbacks for the Seahawks.
It also has a lovely view of the harbor leading to the ocean where the cruise ships set sail to Alaska.
The market is not just one building it’s a series of buildings. There is a great Russian bakery where we purchased several pastries. The Chocolate Hazelnut roll didn’t even make it home. It was consumed in the car on the way home and it was YUMMY!
It was a great way to spend a day off with my darling hubby. It was nice to experience one of the great local landmarks here.  

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