
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Crying for Ginger

The weather today matches my disposition. It's grey, dreary, and wet. I usually am not a fan of such weather but today I am finding comfort in the gloominess and sogginess. It's feels like I am not alone that God and the world is sharing my misery with me.

I spent this morning running errands like going to the bank, picking up contacts, taking my laptop into the shop, etc. My laptop's motherboard has died. Therefore, it's time to buy a new one. UGH! But at least they were able to turn my hard drive into an external drive so I am easily able to recover and information saved on there.

I was pleasantly surprised that this was only $30.00 for the hard drive case and they installed it for free. Considering I am going to be spending some cash on a new computer I was grateful that this didn't cost much at all.

This afternoon we are going to pick up Ginger's ashes. I can't bear the thought of leaving her in Washington. She's a good old fashioned Okie and deserves to go back home. We also found out that our vets office made a donation to the local humane society in Ginger's honor. I was so touched that they had done that for us and for her. It was nice to know that they were also touched by our sweet Ginger's kind spirit and welcoming heart. I decided that we needed to do something to thank them since Ginger received excellent care from them. So I purchased a basket of Seattle goodies, a thank you card and included a photo of Ginger.

It's still so hard to believe she's gone. We still expect to here the jingle of her tags when we come home or to hear that snort when she sighs. But she's no longer physically here with us. But she will always be in our hearts and she will always be part of us. We were truly blessed to have known her. Ask anyone that's ever met her and they will tell you what a sweet, loving dog she was. Even though losing her has been so difficult, I am so glad that she has been a part of our lives. She was always there for me when I was having a rough day. She's always had a smile for me when I was down about my health not being what it should be. She knew just when to come over to me to say hello. She taught me alot about unconditional love, just being a happy presence when someone needs a little lift. Thank you Ginger for every wet sloppy kiss, the wag of that fluffy tail, that paw that would try to grip onto to you as if to say "don't let me go", those dark brown eyes that expected nothing more than a pat on the head. Thank you for sharing your heart with us it's been one of the sweetest things I've ever known. As I am writing this the sun is peeking through the clouds and I know she can still feel the love we have for her.

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