
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Driving and Gagaing.........

As I found myself driving through the Texas panhandle, with old windmills on my left and a beautiful sunset on my right, I reflect on how things are going in my life. While my husband will certainly be missed I am blessed to be able to travel and grateful to have so many people willing to help me.  Even though my health is complicated, my heart is well protected in the hands of God and all my loved ones.
I have been especially impressed with Brendon and his friends.  They have truly taken an interest in helping me meet my needs, whether this be entertaining me, going to dinner with me.  Erik called me while I was driving from Colorado Springs to Oklahoma, we talked for over an hour and he was glad to just listen to me. He met me at Brendon’s work just to give me a hug and make sure I was doing alright. And I am currently in St Louis with Mary and will be heading to the Lady Gaga concert in less than three hours.  On the car ride, she has listened to stories about my husband and our love for each other, even though she has already heard many of them.  She empathizes with my sentimental mood, makes me laugh at just the right moment, and doesn’t mind when I sing Lady Gaga off key. For a bunch of 20 year old kids they are doing a great job of taking care of their Momma.  Thank you all so much……. I love you and truly appreciate it.
Tonight, I attended the Lady Gaga concert.  With a quick glance one would expect that she is just another pop artist produced by the never-ending machine that churns out star after star.  But the truth is that she is so much more than that.  To begin with she writes her own songs and her concert is her own concept. She’s not just a pretty face with a voice.  She has a message and it’s one of love. Love for your fellow man, love of creativity, and most of all love for yourself.  102_3805_2In life we are given a lot of choices.  Sometimes we won’t make the right ones, sometimes we will.  Life is merely a journey of lessons that shape us into the people we are to become.  It’s what we do with those lessons that make the difference in our lives and the lives of those we touch.
You know we are all given challenges and blessings in life.  Our response to these things determines our strength of character.  How often do we speak the truth to each other or even to ourselves for that matter?  How often do we help each other out without wondering what’s in it for us?
When you love do you truly give your heart freely and openly or do you expect something in return?  Do we sit around waiting for what life is going to bring to us? Are you busy making your own satisfaction?
The hand of a child
The tears of a friend
The heart of a stranger
The soul of a human
What touches our being
What becomes our purpose
What consumes our thoughts
What pushes our goals
The eyes of our spirit
The passion of our youth
The adoration of our culture
The truth of our existence
What makes us healthy
What gives us pleasure
What drives us forward
What makes us whole
The enchantment of desire
The challenge of growth
The charisma of fame
The power of adoration
What amazes our dreams
What possesses our vision
What wakens our longing
What stirs our creativity
The completion by choice
The blessing by deed
The guidance of inspiration
The stillness of contentment
What soothes our ire
What inspires our gifts
What confesses our sins
What embraces our soul

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