
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sending Thank Yous across the miles…

So when I arrived back to Colorado there was a box waiting on me.  The box wasn’t very big, but in it were the perfect treasures! Terry is always such a great gift picker!!!! Even Ma commented that Terry had chosen just the right gifts for me! 102_4191
Pooh is soooooo cute!! He and Piglet are baking cookies!!!  It is so adorable it moves, plays music and produces a wonderful smell! It is BEYOND adorable!
Plus a small Vera Bradley case that matches my others!! And a sparkly pen!!!! What more could this girl want?!?!? Terry also sent me a new family photo.
Terry, I love you and miss you sooooo much. I can’t wait to get to San Antonio for a visit! THANK YOU great big bunches! You really do pick great gifts, but the gift of you friendship is truly priceless as it’s one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received. Thanks for being my friend.


  1. Hi honey. Do you go by Shalunya? Is it pronounced like it is spelled? I am Val from Joy in the Rain. You came to my blog yesterday. I am a fellow zipperhead. I am laughing and laughing and laughing about you spitting on the floor. I HAVE put the milk in the cabinet, more than once, but I have never spit on the floor. LOL. You have a wonderful sense of humor and a geat attitude. I have often thought of telling my readers about my journey with Chiari. My was smiliar to yours in quite a few ways. Unfortunately, my daughter was just diagnosed with it. I will return. I am almost done reading your Chiari blog story. It is so very nice to meet you =)!! Love, Val xox

  2. You are the only one right now who can back me cry and laugh at the same time. I am glad you like or love your gifts I didn't know you where having surgery I guess you failed to mentioned it!!!! How can anyone pray for you if you don't tell them. Of course I always pray for you but sometimes we need extra prayer and protection. This I know from my past and I am always greatful for it. My new Bible Study is on Faith I will send you the good stuff that I learn Love Ya

  3. Sorry I hit the wrong button OF course you must know Anonymous is me!!!


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