
Friday, February 26, 2010

Getting Away With It………..

Anyone that knows me knows that I was a very difficult child to parent.  I was going to live life on my own terms; I didn’t care who I hurt (including my loved ones).  I would lie, cheat and steal just to do whatever I wanted.  Some of the things I could tell you would completely change your opinion of me. So I will save the really really juicy stuff til after my readers have divulged some of their deepest darkest secrets that would get you disinherited!!
I will however start off by saying that even though I am 40 my parents have no idea that I have a tattoo.  After all the body is the temple of God and should be revered as sacred.  However, in my logic The Bible gives specific instructions on temple decoration. So I am just decorating my temple!!!


  1. Well when I was 15, I was constantly being threatened that if I came home with Purple Hair I would be kicked out. Always thought that odd, since I never had the desire ;)

  2. Katie, I would love to see you with purple hair!!

  3. I had two tattoos before my Mom found out and I was well into my thirties :-)

  4. Well I have been disowned this week for something my sister said I did but I didn't and Mother of course believes her. I am 51 years old and this still is going on in my family

  5. lol I would have to do something really big and horrible to get my parents to disown me XD they really don't care cause they've pretty much done it all already, so long as I don't get arrested or something like that I think I'm good XD; cause there's nothing I can think of that I've done that they wouldn't just get irritated at, give me a disapproving look and say "Shame on you"

  6. I think it is a precious tatoo! How symbolic of those you love! I have considered doing something similar.

    Thanks for stopping by my little blog. Nice to meet you!

  7. I don't think my family would disown me, buy there a couple of things from my preteen days that could've landed me in big trouble. A friend and I would get on her dad's CB radio and try to entice truckers in the area. The same friend and I used to hide in the woods near a major street and throw rotten potatoes from her dad's garden at the cars passing by. We were punks.

  8. Well....I will say that my Mother now knows I have a tattoo!! Thanks SIS!!!!! I owe you!!

  9. How long have you had this cute tattoo? Where is it? I thought I would get one when I turned 40. I even designed it to represent my hubby, kids and my princess status. I carry the design with me in my wallet just in case I get the itch to go ahead with it. I really do want to get it but I don't want to regret it when I am old and wrinkly. Something about being in my forties tells me I'm too old to get a tattoo. How ridiculous am I?

  10. I have been fooling around with girls since I was in first grade. I would sleep naked with them and we would... *ahem* -do- things.

    ...I'm not sure if my parents would disown me or just not be shocked. XD

  11. Paybacks are heck. Mom reads your blog, too.



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