
Saturday, February 6, 2010


Ok, I know it has been a little while since I have posted. I have been enjoying a leisurely pace of live here in Colorado.  Although the snow remains on the ground, the sun has been out and I have been peacefully idling my time away.  One of the greatest past times here is chatting with Ma. I so adore her and she has so many sweet things to say.  You can bet that if you are my friend I have spoke to Ma about you and she has said the nicest things about you in return.  .
I have also been busy doing a little sewing, cardmaking, and of course playing on my computer. SPOILER ALERT!!! If you are a personal friend of mine I have a hand made Valentine’s Day card coming your way.  Of course the fun part is trying to figure out which one is coming to your house.  I am loving the fact that I didn’t go with the traditional red, pink and white. I thought I’d give Valentine’s Day a little ‘color’ adjustment and I love the way they turned out!!

Speaking of chocolate, Ma and I are never one to pass on any chocolate.  She had had these wonder Edwards singles, a brownie cooked covered with hot fudge, ice cream and chocolate chips!! OH MY!! They are so wonderful.
102_4200You can find these little gems in your grocery freezer case!!!! ENJOY!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I love those cards!!

    Can't wait til you come for a visit! I will look to see if I can book a weekend for Sean & I in Leavenworth, Thank you!

    And, You & I are going to have some fun this time, come HELL OR HIGH WATER SISTA!



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