
Monday, March 8, 2010

Beauty of Living……………..

Here in Oklahoma I have had a grand time visiting with my son Brendon and his friends.  I haven’t been able to spend as much time with them as I would like since they have school or work and I require a little extra time to relax since I am medically challenged.  However, there is a beauty to life and being young that I find myself really missing.  The simplest things can provide so much entertainment for a
youngster.  They have such an amazement at some of the simplest things.  As you can see this video was shot 19 years ago.  My son was only 18 months old in this video.  A sink of water and a brush could provide him with hours of entertainment.  He also loved sitting in laundry baskets or hampers at that age.  So often we get bogged down in the details of everyday life and we forget to take time to splash in the water or sit in our own laundry basket.  It’s not about the activity you are engaged in it’s the squeal of laughter that brings to your life. For me the simple things include quilting, reading, cardmaking, writing, and my relationships with family, friends and fellow Chiarians.  The most recent thing that I squealed about was Lady Gaga bag and lipstick from MAC for their Viva Glam campaign much to the amusement of one of my extra children.  (My extra kids are my son's friends who claim me as their “Momma”)  It hit me that I had 102_4299 squealed or squeaked over it and I realized that it felt really great to be free of all that plagues me. I was  just delighted in something as simple and feminine as make up.  I was thirteen all over again. I wasn’t the wife of an airman overseas, the mother of a kid in college, a patient with multiple medical problems or even a rebellious teenager.  I was just a girl thrilled over her new tube of lipstick. 
Quote: There is only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying things which are beyond the power of our will. ~Epictetus


  1. that is such a cute bag & mac lipstick is my favorito!

    my squeal moment that made me happier than a frog kissing a prince was the purchase of my silver jeans that I had finally found!!! ;)


  2. Woman you are an inspiration!!! Just reading this has me thinking and working on how I can enjoy what life I do have. Thank you.

  3. Katie, We can squeal together tomorrow!!!

    Stephanie, Thank you for your kind words and your very welcome. The thing I value you most are my relationships. I'm not certain that qualifies me as inspirational; but I am definitely blessed.

  4. Knowing my Lord is my happiness today! I am able to see His blessings after the worst few days since surgery, from a song. An artist humbly obeyed God and wrote what was in His heart and it uplifted me this morning! My Savior My God by Aaron Shust.

    A tube of lipstick huh? I must admit to not being a girly girl yet I can see that. Hubby was invited to a black tie award dinner at his company and the concept of a new dress, all dolled up has me giddy, like a teenager getting ready for Prom. The simple things in life are often the best.......


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