
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Finding Warmth………..

Sometimes nature comes to you.  A few days ago we had a few visitors.  When we spotted them, I grabbed my camera in hopes of being able to snap a picture or two.  I quietly opened the door and they all stopped an glared at me.
This photo shows only 4 of them but there were 7 total.  They took their time just loitering in the yard and digging under the snow for some brunch.  Granted they do leave “droppings” and can destroy ones flowers but seeing Nature’s Grace so close to home is a great blessing.
They were so beautiful and so peaceful.  They had a nice visit in our yard and they stayed for more than an hour.  Today, is not quite such a pleasant site.  We got quite a lot of wet, heavy snow.


It makes for a very bleak picture outside. But it’s pretty picturesque if you don’t have to get out in it.  Luckily, I have no agenda for the day and I am free to stay inside and stay warm.



Today finds me with a severe muscle spasm in my neck and my shoulder on the right side.  So I will be spending the day in front of my tv or computer watching movies.


Quote of the moment: A beautiful young woman is an accident of nature, a beautiful old woman is a work of art. ~Unknown

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