
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Finding Peace………

I’ve been told several times that I am an inspiration.  But what makes me inspirational?  My son’s friends have all asked me for advice.  But what makes me qualified to give advice?  I’ve been asked how I seem so happy when I have so many things wrongs with me. So, what does make me really happy?
Now, is this a post to toot my own horn? Well, yes! It is; because, I am pretty amazing!
Ok, I am not really conceited; but, I have one amazing life.  In an incredibly brief synopsis, I was a wild child when I younger.  I have always lived life on my own terms.  I was married, had a child and was in and out of the army before I was 21.  I’ve had over 25 addresses since my 18th birthday.  Then at 36, life played a cruel joke and I was diagnosed with a rare condition that is actually an undetected birth condition. 
So, what is it that keeps me so calm in the midst of chaos?  Acceptance of who I am. 
I Am Not Defined by my:                               I Am:
Diagnosis                                                          Compassion for those who suffer
Job/Occupation                                                 Equal partner without a salary
Pain                                                                   Sharing what talents I have
I Am Not Defined by my:                              I Am:
Medical Record                                               Spreading knowledge
Fatigue                                                             Living out Loud, even from a sickbed
Procedures                                                       a Smiling face to those working on my body  
I Am Not Defined by my:                              I Am:
Marital status                                                    Blessed to feel love
Children                                                           Shaping a life
Possessions                                                      Graced to have what I need
     I Am Not Defined by my:                              I Am:

Friends                                                             Sharing my widsom
     Poetry                                                              Creating art
     Photos                                                              Spreading a vision
train 42
      I Am Not Defined by my:                              I Am:

      Health                                                              Determined to find happiness
      Bad Days                                                        Faith that tomorrow will be better
      Relationships                                                   the Love I share

      I Am Not Defined by my:                              I Am:

Internet Profile                                                  Empathy for my fellow members
      Words of Advice                                              Living what I speak
      Capabilities                                                       Beauty in every form
      I Am Not Defined by my:                              I Am:

Body                                                               Grace in the flesh
      Mistakes                                                          Joy in learning
      Fears                                                               Amazed by Life

I could probably continue this list for days and days.  I love reminding myself of what I can do, instead of saying what I can’t.  I love telling me about my talents, instead of focusing on my imperfections.  I would love to hear how you downgrade yourself and what you are going to replace it with.

Quote of the Moment: Everyone of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves. ~Princess Diana


  1. What a great post! I'm a firm believer in happiness being directly related to perspective. And you have a fantastic perspective. If you look at life and it's limits...well, then you're limited in your joy. If you see all that is around you and available to you...peace and happiness are in your grasp. Thanks.

  2. An uplifting post, needed it tonight - thanks!!


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