
Friday, April 30, 2010

Just words………

My heart weeping
My soul torn
Lyrics in whisper
Dawn new morn
My mind twisted
My spirit free
Melody in breath
Confusion in me
My being tousled
My body wakes
Harmony in longing
Stability now shakes
My life shifts
My dreams fly
Rhythm in promise
Winged Angels sigh
My head knows
My wishes dream
Music in breezes
Forest Oaks scheme
My yearning sings
My musings long
Chorus in hunger
Wild passions song
My desire bursts
My urges burn
Refrain in shadows
Winds soon turn
My reality shattered
My existence ripped
Song in discord
Fantasy now stripped

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful Shalunya!

    You are quite the writer :)


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