
Monday, May 24, 2010

Brutality of travel

Just to let you know what it took for me to get from Korea to Oklahoma, I am laying out my travel itinerary.

Saturday May 22
12:00noon 20 minute cab ride from base to Gunsan bus terminal

12:30pm 3 hour bus ride from Gunsan to Seoul bus terminal (which is the size of a smaller airport!)

3:30pm 30 minute cab ride from Seoul bus terminal to Dragon Hill Lodge

Sunday May 23
7:00am wake up .... this would be 5:00pm Saturday evening CDT

8:30am 1 hour bus ride from Dragon Hill Lodge to Seoul Incheon airport.

9:30am check in at the airline, get through security and wait for my 12:10pm flight

12:10pm 3 hour flight to Tokyo

5:00pm 10 hour turbulent flight to Los Angeles (this arrives into Los Angeles at 3:00pm Sunday afternoon PDT)

5:00pm After almost missing my connection in spite of a 2 hour connection time, I make my 3 hour flight to Oklahoma City arriving at 5:40 pm Sunday afternoon.

So after more than 24 hours of traveling I have made it back to the town where I grew up right outside of Oklahoma City. My voice has come and gone several times over this trip.

Mary, Danica, and Brendon

Mary, Danica, and Brendon

Mary and Erik

Me and my critter, Brendon!!!!


  1. Glad you made it all the way back to Oklahoma. Looks like a great homecoming!

  2. Holy cow, what a journey! I'll think of you today as we pass through OKC on our way home to Lawrence, KS from Dallas. :)

  3. Wow, that is quite an adventure! You must be so happy to have arrived :)

  4. Whew I'm tired just READING about it LOL - glad you made it home safe & sound

  5. Welcome Home!!! Glad you made it safely!! Hope you & the gang are enjoying the holiday weekend!!

  6. Yay for coming home!

    Home is the best place to be, even if you have to leave your sweetheart.

    Being alone is never fun :(

    Glad to see you had a good homecoming!!



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