
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lady Gaga AGAIN………

Back in the states safe and sound. Found my center while in Korea and am living a much healthier life now.  I am reading the Four Agreements and the Secret; I have also been sitting in prayer/meditation for about an hour everyday.  I am still on that journey of peace and self exploration but I think that journey lasts a lifetime.
Last night was the Lady Gaga concert in Oklahoma City.  I went with my friend Mary, and new friends Christian and Sara.. DSCN0375Sara, Christian, me and Mary
We were front row of the ‘mosh pit.’ She is so insanely talented. I am continually amazed by her creative genius. 
I realize that there are those who do not subscribe to her particular brand of genius.  Some would even go so far as to say it’s crazy and not genius.  Now let’s remember, that Van Gogh cut off his ear, so I think in part genius and crazy go hand in hand.
In addition to being able to create catchy pop tunes, Lady Gaga speaks a message of love and acceptance.  Not just acceptance of your fellow man regardless of the differences; but most importantly a message of self acceptance. No matter how odd or estranged you might feel you must love yourself to the very core of your being.
She recognizes that the greatest gift we have is love. But that we must start with self love and acceptance in order to be able to share love, creativity, talents, passion with others.

She has taken a public vow of abstinence in order to focus on her passion and her love of music and creativity.  She is a huge advocate for AIDS awareness and having responsible sex.  She says she is married to her music.  And  I know she is devoted to her fans.  
During the concert she even talks directly to Jesus.  She was raised Catholic and her faith is still important to her.  She explains that she does not believe that Jesus is selective in who he loves.  Lady Gaga tells Jesus that she believes he loves all of us equally regardless of the differences we may feel.

For those that do not understand her monster concept, allow me a moment to clarify. The monster paws that you see her holding up here is a reminder that we should be fearless in facing our own fears. That is also why she refers to her fans as “Little Monsters.” The songs Monster and Teeth off her album are direct testaments to bravado in facing these fears. 
The Lady Gaga concert is more than just an evening of music and entertainment.  It is an evening to be introspective in how you are treating others and if you are remaining true to yourself.  Everyone should experience a Lady Gaga concert at least once in their life.


  1. Sounds like you had a good time! Happy Belated Birthday &
    Welcome back ;)

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful, uplifting time with friends. Way to go Gypsy gal! By the By Lady Gaga has a great voice.

  3. Hope you are doing well, perhaps on the road to another L. GaGa concert? :)


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