
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chiari Blog Carnival

So I have been spending some time puttering around the internet and inviting fellow Chiarians, who also write blogs, to join in a Chiari Blog Carnival. So if you have arrived at my blog you may have received a comment on your blog or an email from me as an invitation to this carnival.  My goal for organizing this blog carnival monthly is to unite my fellow bloggers that also suffer from Arnold Chiari Malformation, type 1. Plus it’s a great way to increase our readership, inspire each other and encourage continued blogging from all of us.

So, you are asking yourself, “What is a blog carnival? How do I participate?'”  A blog carnival is a circle of bloggers that write on a specific topic once a month.  Blog authors participate by writing a blog post about the specific topic and publish their post on the same day.  Then an article is written about all the blog posts and that article is published anywhere online that will allow us an opportunity to post.  My goal as blog carnival ringmaster will be to select the topic (I am ALWAYS open to suggestions), coordinate the publish date, write the main article to include links to all the participating blog posts, and keep the momentum going each month.  My first goal is to see if it is possible to have our article posted on websites that could provide us with some level of visibility to other fellow Chiarians.  A blog has now been established at Chiari Carnival. Our first ever carnival will be held on Rare Disease Day, February 29, 2012.

Each one of us knows how frustrating it can be to live with Chiari.  We also know that it can feel very lonely when you have a rare, chronic condition.  We all have those moments when we feel like no one understands and that we are all alone when fighting this condition. This is our opportunity to unite and to stand together with a clear voice saying “We are here and we have Chiari.”
If you would like an opportunity to see just how a blog carnival works check out these great examples. Jenni over at produces a great monthly carnival.  This months topic You are loved! ChronicBabes! is devoted to the special people that support women with that suffer from chronic illness.  The Writing Reader hosts their Carnival of Creativity promoting creative writing and writer.  The Math Hombre produces Math Teachers at Play blog carnival which is a great resource for teachers of math, of course. :)

I would love to have great participation for the first Chiari Blog Carnival. It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned blogger or brand new, you have a valuable voice and we would love to include your post.  If you are interested please email me at or comment below. An email will be sent to you regarding the specifications for participating in the carnival.  Carnival posts must be published to your own blog by noon EST on February 28, 2012. 

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