
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Playing in the Park

IMG_5138After Ziplining in Picnic Grove at Tagaytay we discovered a local park and enjoyed some time watching the kids climb around on the playground.   Aena bravely managed to climb to the top on this one.  However, once she reached the top, she couldn’t figure out how to get back down.  Dad jokingly says, “Jump!.”  Aena immediately says, “No! Papa!” He insists that she should jump but finally she discovers that she can easily turn around and climb back down the way she climbed up.



Aeona climbed all over the playground equipment. She tends to be very quiet and can move from place to place with such stealth one would suspect her of being a ninja.  It was great to see her running around with a huge smile on her face. :)



IMG_5133Brendon even took the opportunity to play like a kid again and climbed up on the monkey bars.  Once perched on top of them he did his best impersonation of ‘The Thinker.’  I can assure you that this is the most ‘thinking’ he did while on vacation.  While on the flight to Manila we met a lovely couple that told Brendon to “be amazed by everything.”  He has been able to allow himself to be amazed.  Luckily, he has taken it all in and has experienced daily life here in the Philippines.  It is such a blessing to be part of a family rather than just a tourist here. 



o-matic (2)


The greatest joy comes from being able to watch these two amazing young girls grow into beautiful young women.  My cup runneth over and I think I will allow myself to play in the overflowing of blessing from my new family.


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