
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Prom Night

Tonight is prom night for my niece Katie.  Her prom is being held at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art and she is going with friends rather than with a date. After the prom she has plans on going out for IHOP.
She looked absolutely beautiful.  It’s hard to believe that my ornery, mouthy, sassy, opinionated, funny, crazy niece is growing up. She is becoming such a beautiful young woman who speaks her mind and stands up for what she believes in.  She remains true to herself and is fiercely independent.  I know that no matter what life brings her she will not only handle it but she will tackle it in order to ensure she remains happy.
Her dress was absolutely stunning and she looks so amazing.  I am blessed to be sharing such an important time in her life with her.  She and I have a great relationship and we understand each other so well. Truthfully, she is a lot like I was at that age, we handle things in the same manner and we we get wound up you might wanna watch out.

You always know when Katie is in the room.  She has one of those big personalities that is tough to ignore.  She can make you laugh when you feel like crying and she is quick with a hug and an “I love you” when things are difficult.


Thanks for always making me laugh, reminding me to live life to the fullest, sharing great rock band jam sessions, making me proud and drinking my caffeine free coke. LOL! I love you, my sweet niece!

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