
Friday, May 4, 2012

One Year Ago

One year ago today
I packed my bags,
For a journey unknown,
Butterflies set flight,
As I travel alone.
I board the plane,
My destination clear,
As the story unfolds,
Its ending, I fear.
The hours spent lost,
Deep in my thought,
With a hopeful dream,
Happiness I sought.
What lies ahead,
Only time will tell,
A happy beginning,
Or in misery dwell.
My heart beats wildly,
The plane touches ground,
Now discover I will,
If my future I've found.
From the plane I step,
Into warm island air,
As I begin searching,
My heart is in prayer.
In a crowd of faces,
Faith, my silent plea,
My fear evaporates,
When his face I see.
Anxiety now soothed,
Smiles beaming bright,
The first touch is magic,
Our future is bright.

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