
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Let’s Talk Bzz

Try, Share, Repeat.
I have recently become a BzzAgent (buzz agent).  What on Earth is a BzzAgent you ask? The short answer is that I get to try select products for free.  So, you’re thinking, what’s the catch?  Companies don’t just randomly give away their products to someone because they want to try them, right?  Well, sometimes they do. You see, advertising isn’t what it used to be.  Today we are so bombarded with advertisements that we no longer give them they attention that they they once demanded. In today’s society the most reliable advertising is word of mouth.  To hear a friend or an acquaintance recommend a product increases the probability that you will trust the review and hence be more likely to buy that product.

BzzAgent utilizes consumers who actively use social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc) to try products and give open, honest reviews about the products.  They don’t images (3)expect glowing reviews because they gave you a free product; they do expect an honest review. Tell what you like, tell why you liked it, tell what you didn’t like, tell why it worked, tell why it didn’t work. Trust me, I wouldn’t be doing this if I could only sing their praises. Those that know me realize that I am always honest, even if it hurts. Besides, not all products fit all consumers. Their goal is to find the right target demographic for the products.  When you start, you have to take surveys to let them know what you really enjoy so they can fit you with the products you would enjoy the most. Let’s face it, if they gave me some plant food; I would say, “Excuse me, have we met? I’m the girl that kills green growing things.”   But let me tell you, when the right consumer finds the right product its like magic. Consumers get excited and start talking about this amazing product.  In other words, they start buzzing.
BzzAchievementsNow, there are a few things that I am required to do. They ask that I include specific wording in my posts, tweets, and tags  (like #GotItFree); it makes it easier for them to track and to ensure that we are giving BzzScore copycredit to the proper product.  I love interacting on social media, so I’m just doing what I normally do. BzzAgent encourages me to keep the information flowing by giving me achievements. Gold stars, merit badges and ‘I did it!” stickers have been awesome rewards since we were kids.  It doesn’t change just because we grow up. I’ve only just started so I only have a few. Don’t judge! I’m getting there.  They also use a BzzScore to help them rate the quality of information that BzzAgents provide in order to chose the most effective agents within the target demographic. The science behind it is very effective. I believe it is a great way for manufacturers to reach the target demographic using word of mouth advertising without spending enormous amounts of money on traditional advertisements, which might not even work.

So if you are interested in trying products for free from well known manufacturers, like Quaker, Garnier, Olay, Nexxus, Glade, Tresemme, Nescafe and more; then head on over to BzzAgent to sign up.  I can tell you that so far I am having fun, meeting new friends and will soon be trying new products for FREE!! Thanks BzzAgent! Bring it on! I’m ready to Bzz!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am with you....I am a blogger and not a videographer. So i am trying to make sure my blog content is top notch. I have only gotten one campaign, Olia, but i just joined a few weeks ago. I am loving being a BzzAgent.


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