
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring is coming

IMG_9236We  decided it was time to make some hummingbird syrup for the feeders. Last year, Boyet finally had the opportunity to experience the pleasure of watching a hummingbird in flight. They are amazing IMG_9239creatures and we are blessed to live in the same part of the world as they do. Hopefully this summer we can manage to catch one on camera!  These super simple hummingbird feeders came from Wal-Mart and are extremely affordable. The smaller one on the left is only $1.00 and the larger one on the right was just under $3.00.  Now the manufacturer would have you believe that you need to purchase hummingbird syrup; that is simply not the case. My Mom has been making her own syrup from scratch for years.

Hummingbird Syrup
1 part sugar
3 parts water
Heat water on the stovetop, add sugar. Stir until dissolved.
This syrup is so simple to make and you can make it any quantity that you need. To fill these two feeders I used 1 cup sugar and 3 cups water.  I am ready for spring and the return of the flowers, butterflies and the hummingbirds.
IMG_9243Spring also means spending time outside with our grandnieces.  Boyet had previously decided that we IMG_9245would fix up the swing set for our them.. As you can clearly see is in need of a little TLC. He has already removed the broken seat backs and bottoms from the glider and is in the process of preparing new ones. I will admit that the plan for the new seat bottoms and back is pretty ingenious. He is using an old above ground pool liner which my sister had on hand. This will cover the wood so that the girls can avoid splinters and it will also protect the wood IMG_9246allowing for years of fun. Recycling at its finest if you ask me! Since the pool liner hadn’t been been IMG_9242used in several years it wasn’t exactly clean and kid friendly. Thus began my search for something that would remove the stains. I tried all sorts of products but ultimately it was acetone fingernail polish remover that did the trick! As you can clearly see, it works great for restoring it back to the original bright blue color. My Dad was helpful enough to cut the wood and to drill the necessary holes so that the seats can be replaced once covered. I am quite anxious to see the finished product. I know Brookie and Madi will absolutely love it.  I will keep you updated on the progress of this project.

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