
Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Bird Whisperer or Un-Fowl Thoughts

Since our sleep last night was non-existent, we opted to take a trip to our local park for a little relaxation. I will admit that I found myself grumpy and short tempered due to my lack of sleep. So, we decided to pack a snack and grab the camera since it was such a gorgeous afternoon.  Luckily, we live just a few short miles from a fantastic park complete with a walking trail, playground, a pavilion, and a pond. So, Boyet made the short drive over for our afternoon in the park.

Spring is definitely in the air and the park was busy with children laughing, dogs being walked, runners running, ducks floating, geese honking… well, you get the picture.  We scouted out a nice bench close to the pond and far  away from the that we could easy conversation. The ducks and geese politely went about their business while we enjoyed our brown bag lunch and talked about the challenges of dealing with a chronic illness.

Now this is the part where I could lament about having a chronic illness and all the challenges that brings.  But instead I am just going to express my appreciation for the blessings that life has to offer. I am frequently asked how I manage to stay so happy and positive when I have so many difficulties going on within my own body.  But I ask you this, how can I not?  Life is such a beautiful mess. Love is such a painful blessing. Existence is the crazy blend of chaotic serenity that defies words. Sure, this life is full of suffering. But this simple moment, being surrounded by these gorgeous creatures with the man I love while the sun is shining that I know I have found peace. No life isn’t perfect, it never will be; but, I will never cease to be amazed by these moments of heartfelt gratitude.


Life will always bring suffering, marriage will always bring difficulties, work will always bring stress, my health will always bring challenges, and sometimes the odds will seem insurmountable; but, we will not allow that to take away the beauty of our moments together. The chance that we managed to find each other in the countless sea of humanity is nothing short of a miracle.  We will not allow that miracle to be wasted.  We will continue to be faithful to the dream we began building.  We will seek out the beauty of simple things like feeding the ducks and the geese in the park for they are reminders that sometimes the hold the key to peace and contentment in the midst of the chaos that is life.

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