
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Shop My Stash September

We have all been dazzled by a product. We've bought into the hype. We've fallen prey to the retail gods. We bring home these shiny new things certain that they will be life changing. Our faces are going to look so amazing people will be mesmerized by the beauty. Then we get home and discover a good product; but it isn't exactly earth shattering. Eventually, we move back to our old standby or on to something new. These products that once made our eyes sparkle get relegated to the back of the drawer. A few months later we come across them and look longingly at them. We remember the excitement of the purchase and remind ourselves to bust it out sometime to actually use it. Just not today.

Well, the day has finally come! Give the sad unloved product his freedom to shine. You can no longer push it to the back of the drawer. Put him at the top of the stack.  Embrace the excitement you once felt for the little guy.

So after that inspiring opening speech, let's get down to business. Saffron, from Saffy Style and I are hosting 'Shop My Stash September' which is dedicated to all those products you keep meaning to use but never do. Each week we will focus on using three underused products for a specific area, such as the face or lips. This will help reacquaint us with our collection and help show some love to those products that are feeling a bit neglected.

Week One - 3 Face Products
Primer, Foundation, Powder, Bronzer, Blush or Anything for the Face

Week Two - 3 Eye Products
Eye Primer, Mascara, Eyeliner, Eye Shadow, Brow Kit or Anything for the Eyes

Week Three - 3 Lip Products
Lipstick, Lip Gloss, Lip Liner or Anything for the Lips

Week Four - 3 Beauty Products
Your Choice or Any Beauty Products You Wish

The Super Simple Rules
1.Blog once a week stating which products you are going to focus on for the week and give us an update on how you did the previous week. 

2. You cannot choose products you've just purchased. The goal is to use the products that are just sitting unused and unloved in your collection.

3. When adding your name to the link-up below please use the following format: WK1 Shalunya TheChronicBeauty

We sincerely hope you will join us for 'Shop My Stash September' and we hope you'll encourage other bloggers to join us as well. 

Please don't forget to insert your name using this format: WK1 Saffy Style

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