
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Resolute Beauty Blogger

January is a time for new beginnings. Typically this includes commitments to become better versions of ourselves.  Since New Year's is right around the corner we are asking you to give special thought to your resolutions. We hope to encourage you to select some challenging yet attainable blogging resolutions and goals for 2014.

El from Glossy Glam Blog and I have created The Resolute Beauty Blogger. The Resolute Beauty Blogger is a year long program designed for you to create, stay focused on and achieve your 2014 beauty and blogging resolutions. Our goal is to make 2014 a year of success and achievements. We believe that we can help encourage each other to stretch out of our comfort zone and reach new heights. It's time to conquer our insecurities in order to step into our greatest potential. Through participating in The Resolute Beauty Blogger, we hope you will gain greater confidence, create more collaborations, stay focused on your goals, reach a larger audience, make new connections and grow as a blogger.

So how does a blogger participate in "The Resolute Beauty Blogger" you might ask. Simply start by indicating your interest by commenting below.  On January 8, your hosts and cohosts will publish our resolutions along with a thought provoking question. You will publish your resolutions and your answer to the question on January 15. Every month on the 8th the hosts and cohosts will publish an update on our resolutions and ask another question. You will publish your update and answer on the 15th. We would like to see all of our participants celebrate goals achieved and create solutions to overcome obstacles.

We are certain that together we can witness some amazing achievements. However, we need to remember the only way we can reach great heights is to try lots of new things, some of which may not work.  Trust us when we say their is still beauty in learning to fail graciously.  All success stories are littered with opportunities that fell flat. This is where we can lift each other up to try again.

We sincerely hope you will join us for The Resolute Beauty Blogger.  We believe that together we will enjoy watching our fellow bloggers achieve their gohile we soar to our own new heights. Feel free to include any personal goals in addition to your blogging goals. The more motivation the better.

Jan 8, 2014 - Resolutions and Question - Hosts & Cohosts Only
Jan 15, 2014 - Resolutions and Answers to Question - Participants

January Cohosts
Teri from School Belle Beauty
Julie from Swatch & Review

Begin thinking about the things you would like to achieve with your blog in 2014. Maybe you would like to create your own tag. You might want to achieve a specific number of followers on G+ or Bloglovin. Maybe you'd thought about doing YouTube videos in addition to blogging. Include some smaller goals and some larger goals. If you achieve the smaller ones you can always add new goals to your list. The possibilities are endless. Let's support and encourage others to visualize our potential and reach our goals.

If you would like to join us for The Resolute Beauty Blogger simply comment with your name, your blog URL and your email. We are also looking for cohosts for the remainder of the year. If you would like to join us as a cohost please leave that information in your comment as well. 

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