
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Resolute Beauty Blogger, Jan 2014

Happy New Year!! Welcome to my cheery little beauty blog in the great blogosphere in cyberspace. I use beauty products to conquer a chronic neurological condition. I blog about beauty products in effort to help other women. Tis the season to talk about resolutions. First let me explain that when I was 15 I made a resolution to never make resolutions and for more than 20 years I have stuck by that resolution. Well today I am finally breaking that resolution to make some blogging resolutions and to share them with you. 

I have joined forces with the fabulous El of Glossy Glam Blog to create The Resolute Beauty Blogger. We are hosting a group of bloggers who want to use 2014 to stay focused on blogging and beauty. On the 8th day of every month the cohosts, El and I will post or update our resolutions along with a thought provoking question designed to keep us all focused on our resolutions.

January Cohosts
Teri from School Belle Beauty
Julie from Swatch & Review

This first month's question is:

Why is being successful with your resolutions important to you? What would being successful with your resolutions mean to you?

My resolutions are:
  1. Participate in a swap with another blogger. - I have wanted to do a swap for quite some time now. I think they are fascinating and  who doesn't love getting packages in the mail. 
  2. To be a guest blogger on someone else's blog. - I would like to believe that I have a perspective that is unique enough that someone else's readers would enjoy what I write. 
  3. To have someone else guest post on my blog. - I believe that my readers would enjoy reading someone else's perspective just to infuse some new flavor into my blog. 
  4. Create an innovative tag - I once created a tag but it didn't really catch on. So I hope to give it another go and have the tag reach its full potential. 
  5. Shop my stash at least twice - You've all seen bits and pieces of my stash so you know there is plenty to shop. I like reminding myself to appreciate what I've been given. 
  6. Participate in another No Buy - I really didn't struggle with the no buy. I enjoyed being on a spending hiatus. I will admit that being busy with Beauty Crown and having other fabulous bloggers participate with me made it much easier. 
  7. Be approached by beauty companies to review their product - I have opportunities to review products through companies like Brand Backer and I am grateful for that. I thoroughly enjoy doing those reviews. I would really like to be reviewing products outside of third party brokers. 
  8. Begin making YouTube videos. - My biggest goal for wanting to make YouTube videos is so that I can reach more women that struggle with chronic illness and chronic pain. 
  9. Publish at least 1 makeup look a month. - My Holiday Glam post received a lot of positive comments. I will assume that means it was enjoyed. I want to become more comfortable with doing looks and tutorials.
  10. Learn to utilize ToDoist app to the fullest. - This is a great app that has some key features that will make it much easier to remember the little details so that they don't slip through the cracks. 
  11. Review at least 4 products a month. - This should be easy to do. I have plenty of things to review I just need to be more consistent. 
  12. Publish at least 2 product duels a month. - I find duels very interesting. I like comparing products side by side and determining which product performs better. 
  13. Utilize my Facebook blog page more. - I have a Facebook page for my blog but I do not utilize it as much as I should. Plus, my new Todoist app reminds me to post it on my Facebook page! 
  14. Explore other social media sites. - I have heard that some bloggers are having good success with other forms of social media so I am really looking at utilizing those sites as well. 
  15. Incorporate more positive tips into my blog. - I have worked hard to keep my life focused on the positive. Everyone can benefit from staying positive so I hope to help share simple tips to staying happy.  
First Edit Already!! 
I will include a beauty or self confidence quote on my blog each week. This edition was inspired by Julie and her resolution which can be found here.  For the longest time I kept a beauty related quote on a sticky note on my mirror. In 2014 I will use my blog instead of my mirror.     

Why is being successful with my resolutions important to me? I began blogging to have a place to sort my feelings out. My life had completely changed and I struggled with being happy when I began blogging. The past few years, I have gained a new perspective on life even though my health is questionable at best. I cannot control my health but I can control my attitude. Actually my attitude is the only thing I can control. To be able to maintain my health, a part time job, my blog and a happy life would mean be a great indicator that I can manage to be successful at several things at the same time. There was a time when I thought I would never be successful in anything, never mind being successful in several things. Knowing that I could manage several things successfully would fill my cup to running over.

What would being successful with my resolutions mean to me? Being able to manage a blog successfully would mean that I am making real connections with other women. As much as I enjoy playing in makeup and beauty products, that is not the ultimate desire of running a successful blog. The ultimate dream for my blog is to help women find a way to feel beautiful in spite of all the challenges and obstacles that women face. Knowing that I could positively impact a woman's view of herself would humbly bring me to my knees. It's easy to feel like a nobody when you are facing what feels like insurmountable obstacles. I want to help women feel pretty so that they are able to stand on their own two feet once again. That is what a successful blog would look like to me.

I would really like to extend my gratitude to El for hosting this all year with me and to our first to co-hosts, Teri and Julie. You ladies are amazing and I am so glad to be working with you!

If you would like to participate in The Resolute Beauty Blogger, on January 15th simply post your resolutions, post your answers to our questions on your blog and leave the link to your post in the link tool below. Each month we will all revisit our resolutions to see how we are progressing and ask questions intended to help you stay focused on your resolutions and goals. Even if you aren't joining The Resolute Beauty Blogger, I'd love to know what you are doing to keep your beauty blog on track during 2014.

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