
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Benefit They're Real vs Too Faced Better Than Sex

Welcome! This post will be a side by side comparison between Benefit They're Real and Too Faced Better Than Sex. I have been planning on doing this post since I purchased Better Than Sex mascara. I was going to wait until after I had posted my review of Better Than Sex. I had just finished my review and I moved onto this product duel. While working on this post I decided to throw the results up on my Instagram account. The results were mixed. I was fairly conflicted.

So I will let you judge for yourselves which you think is better between the two. So let's start off with some naked eyes. If nudity bothers you then please ignore this first picture. Forgive my slight shine, I had moisturized but don't have makeup on.

Naked Eyes

First coat, They're Real on the right seems to be providing a bit more volume. So I am leaning slightly toward They're Real at this point. However both look really good after the first coat. I am never but never a one coat mascara kind of girl. I would probably wear 45 if it wouldn't talk 3 hours to put on my mascara. 

1 Coat Better Than Sex (L) and They're Real (R)
Coat two, I'm feeling like they are neck and neck. I can't really see a difference between the two. They seem to be equally volumized and equally lengthened. Once again, I can't stop at two; that's just ridiculous.
2 Coats Better Than Sex (L) and They're Real (R)
Three coats, this is where Better Than Sex seems to pull ahead just a tad. It seems to be separating the lashes a little better than They're Real. Other than that I am not seeing much of a difference between the two lashes. I don't feel that one is better than the other or that one is worse than the other. I say if you have one, you don't need the other.
3 Coats Better Than Sex (L) and They're Real (R)
So overall, I say that Benefit They're Real and Too Faced Better Than Sex are pretty much a tie. There was no real winner in this duel. Have you tried either of these mascaras or both? If you haven't tried either tell me which one you think looks better. 

"Although you were biased I love your advice, Your comebacks they're quick and probably have to do with your insecurities. There's no shame in being crazy depending on how you take these words I'm paraphrasing this relationship we're staging." A little lyrical piece from a modern wordsmith ~Jason Mraz

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