
Saturday, July 11, 2009


So we went to our good friends wedding tonight. It was a beautiful wedding and the bride looked incredible. The reception afterward was so fun...... The wedding was at the bride's father's house and it was perfect!!! He has an amazing house with a bar and a pond in the back yard! It was the greatest place for their wedding! A couple of things they did that were different but I loved!! First in lieu of the guest book they had a wedding platter. Guests signed and wrote their wishes on the platter and the couple will be able to keep the platter forever!! It's something they can look at and use rather than some silly book which goes in box somewhere never to be seen again. The other thing that they did which seemed odd to begin with but turned out beautiful and completely astounded me. They had a painter come out and paint their wedding on canvas! It was amazing and what an incredible momento to hang and display forever! We really did have a great time and we were fortunate to be able to come and blessed to be friends with such great people. The love they share for each other is so obvious and so pure. They will have a long an happy life together!! They truly are blessed to have found each other and blessed to have such a great family!!

But we did get to have some fun Sunday. We decided to skip some of the more traditional Southern California tourist attractions in favor of a little driving tour. We drove over to Mulholland Drive and then hit the Santa Monica pier on our way back to the Residence Inn. I was able to get some amazing photos! It was a lot of fun. It was a nice relaxed day rather than the hectic, exhausting pace of Disney or Universal. And the best of all was that we got to eat at Johnny Carino's for dinner!!!! We miss so many restaurants living in Washington! And this one is probably on the very top of the list. Well next to Ted's Cafe Escondido in Oklahoma City!

It was absolutely a beautiful day to be out and about in Southern California.

I was amazed at the number of people on the beach!

One of the overlooks on Mulholland drive as seen from part of the 7 mile dirt portion of Mulholland.

The views were truly breathtaking!

The palms at Santa Monica Pier

The Ferris Wheel on the boardwalk.

The very crowded beach!!

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