
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Birthday Boy

So tomorrow is Brendon’s 20th Birthday.  It’s hard to believe that August 27, 1989 2:53 am my little critter was hatched! He was a beautiful baby boy and he was a complete delight. He was born with those big brown eyes and he knows how to use them.
BrenN Mom89Brendon’s first Christmas with Papa looking on in the background.  He was such an observant baby, always wanting to take everything in.
BrenN Mom90
This is his second Christmas when he was 17 months.  He was always soooo happy, he was always smiling and laughing. Even at this age he was very interested in pushing buttons. And he loved to talk on the phone. He would put the phone on his shouder and jabbering away, usually to his Aunt Ta. In the middle his Brendonese jabber you would hear him say “OK!” or he would burst out into laughter.
This is my favorite photo of Brendon.  You can just see the happiness and light in his eyes.  He has always known that he was cute and he used it to his favor when he was little!
He’s always been such a matter of fact child and this picture expresses that beautifully. He has always had this ability to march to the beat of his own drummer without caring what everyone else was marching to.
Brendon in his Pokemon pjs made by his Grandma. For quite sometime he would not wear pjs unless they were made by his Grandma. Brendon and my Mom are very close and I am so blessed that they have such an amazing relationship. He enjoyed spending every summer with Grandma and Papa.
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It’s not a very clear picture but My Mom has spent many hours watching Brendon play video games.  It’s a pasttime they enjoy to this day! Only now they play the Wii together.
Brendon wanted to play the flute or the trombone (he really wanted the flute), but when he talked to the band director he was advised that with his long arms and ability to find the right pitch he was a born trombone player.
Quite like is mom, he felt the need to explore other instruments.  He went on to learn the tuba and the souzaphone.  This picture is from his freshman year at John Marshall High School in San Antonio.
This is a photo from his Senior year at Moore High School.
Once we moved to Oklahoma just after the start of his sophomore year he found this great group of friends, which he is still close to today. The photo above is Heather, Brendon, JO (Jeremy), and seated is Erik.
He’s not afraid of looking goofy! Actually he’s really good at it! He enjoys making others laugh!
I tried to teach him how to dress appropriately but apparently it didn’t stick!
If the shoe fits then wear the box on your head!
Or don a hat with ears in the middle of a restaurant.
Look at me I’m doing the graduation dance!
Bowling sitting down….it’s a new technique he’s perfected!
He’s the light of my life and I’m so blessed to have such a great kid! He’s a wonderful grandson to my parents, a great friend and just a fun peron to be around. He’s brought me so much joy and happiness over the years and I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds for him.  Brendon, I hope that your life is full of happiness, love, light and fun! Keep being just who you are because I love everything about you! 

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