
Friday, August 7, 2009

Fun things

So Friday I leave to go see my Kiddo! And I am so excited. I haven’t seen him in months and I miss him terribly. I am very blessed to be able to travel whenever I wish but it’s still not often enough! He will be turning 20! on the 27th. I cannot believe that I am old enough to have a kid that old. It seems like just yesterday that I was 20. Now my baby is turning 2o. So I can’t image what my parents feel like knowing that their baby just turned 40. Time just flies by.
Yesterday we took a walk to Target. It’s probably a mile over and a mile back. It was a nice day despite being a tad cool.  We both took light jackets with us.  So we went to look at the new Wii game, Wii Sports Resort, and I ended up falling in LOVE! First let me tell you that Wii Sports Resort is an AWESOME game. It offers archery, frisbee, table tennis, wakeboarding, kayaking, and much much much more. I am having a blast with this new game! I can’t wait to take it home and play with Brendon and with my PARENTS! They are avid Wii players. They play bowling, tennis, and gold daily. So I am anxious to see what they think of this new game. 
So, now let me explain what I have fallen in LOVE with. Brendon and I used to ride bikes regularly when we lived in San Antonio. And I have decided that it’s time to start riding again. When I am being a gypsy next year I plan on taking my bike with me whenever I can. So we took the two bikes we had to the shop, because the needed new chains and a bit of a tune-up. One of the two bikes would take more than we are willing to spend to fix it up. So we decided to fix up the bike that I used to ride and then to buy one new one. So while we were at Target we looked at bicycles. And this Schwinn was calling my name. 
Schwinn Roxie
How cute is this bike! I cannot wait! We decided that since the other bike is in the shop and I will be gone for a few weeks that there was no need to buy it right then and there.
So I went to the neurologist today and she is pleased with my progress and where I am for now. So no changes with my meds except that I can increase the amount of melatonin I take at night to help me sleep. So I am excited about trying that tonight to see if it helps me sleep soundly through the night.  I made a follow up for 3 months from now. So nothing exciting to report. 

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