
Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Yesterday after a doctor’s appointment I stopped by the book store and purchased Liar by Justine Larbalestier. I purchased this particular book for Read This Book a Facebook book club. And by the time I got home I realized that I have one too many irons (or I should say books) in the fire.  I currently belong to another book club with a few friend and we are reading The Shack. I’m just about 3/4 of the way thru.
I am also reading The Blind Side. I learned of Michael Oher thru an ESPN human interest story and I am so excited to finish this book before I see the movie. The maroon colored book on the right is my new diary. But it’s not a typical diary…it’s not meant for recording your thoughts. It was designed to help you remember important dates. So it a perpetual diary in which you can record things like births, deaths, weddings, and other significant events in your life. And last but not least my new Kindle! I am so in love with my Kindle. I am currently 1/2 way thru a book called 29 Gifts.  But in addition to being able to read books you can also subscribe to magazines, surf the web, play mp3 or podcasts, and so on! It’s an amazing little piece of technology.
Now instead of reading or playing on the computer I should be cleaning. They are coming to pack up our house in about 3-4 weeks and I need to attack some closets!!  It’s amazing how much stuff you can accumulate in no time. I did a big purge while we were in Oklahoma, which was just 2 years ago. But now, once again, I seem to have too much stuff.  It also still very sad that my fuzzy baby, Ginger, won’t be returning with me. I do have her ashes and plan to scatter them somewhere in Oklahoma. After all, she is just a good ol’ fashioned Okie having been born in Shawnee. Man, I miss her!
I know I need to find that excitement about moving. I’ve never dreaded moving, I’ve always been up for the adventure. But this move just seems to be such a challenge for me. I think a lot of it is this constant dreary rain that we are having and part of it is that I’m not really moving…..I am just going to be floating for the year. So I really need to find my gypsy spirit and get things done around here so I can travel worry free next year. I need to remind myself what excites me about the whole trip and start focusing on that. And I need to go attacks those closets!!!

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