
Monday, December 14, 2009


I wake this morning to find the world frosty and crystal covered which is great for Christmas morning when you have nothing more to do than to open presents.   However, since I am traveling I do not find this appealing.  The hope is that I can traverse the mountain passes with little or no difficulties.  I do find the crunch under my feet quite a fitting way to leave Washington. I find that the dreariness of the weather here dampens my soul. I’ve seen the beauty of the area, the blue of the water, the colors of the leaves in fall, 102_3293the majesty of Mount Ranier.  Those things I will miss.   Yet, there is not enough here to make me whole. I’ve missed a friendly “Hi” in passing, a large glass of sweet tea, the whole hearted embrace of our American Military. I grew up in a place where we were all allowed to have our own opinion and we are respected for having one even if we don’t agree with it.  I grew up understanding that our military men were to be respected and admired for their duty to country.  It was not uncommon for a stranger to thank the man in uniform as he was pumping gas in his car or any other mundane task.  I miss a community that celebrates the returning home of our military
So today, as we set out on this journey I find a smile in my spirit and a tug at my heart.  There is an adventure waiting and I am not sure where it will lead me. The uncertainty of life has become very real for me and I no longer know what mu future will hold. The travel is easy and the sun is out as we cross from Washington into 
102_3324Oregon.  The drive to Portland is easy and enjoyable. The Columbia River our constant companion as we  pass Portland and head east through Oregon.  The scenery through Oregon is beautiful and it reminds me how lucky I am to live in such an amazing country. The snow covered ground really brings home the fact that old man 
102_3321winter as set in for the long haul here in the northwest. I was hoping for a spectacular sunset on our drive through the ups and downs of Oregon but the clouds laying heavy and foreboding has kept the colors our of grasp.  We did manage to catch a tiny glimpse of pink as the day turned to night.  This drive has been miraculous and amazing and I lucky to experience it.

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