
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Enjoying Texas……….

102_3840Tomorrow my niece Kaitlyn has a cheer competition in Ft Worth.  So today, my sister Tammy, Kaitlyn and I drove to Ft Worth.  On the drive down Kaitlyn entertained herself playing The Sims 3 on my computer while my sister and I enjoyed some great music from the past, like Chicago, Dan Fogelberg, etc. Our singing along with the music amused Katie so much she had to turn on her ipod to escape it!

My Dad informed us that it was going to rain all the way down to Ft Worth and even though it was cloudy we did have several stretches with no rain.  Sorry Dad, I love you but you were just WRONG!!!

After checking into our hotel, we had the evening free so we went over to Grapevine Mills Mall. One of my favorite spots in the Dallas/Ft Worth area.


We had dinner at the Rainforest Cafe.  This is something that everyone should have the pleasure of experiencing at least once in their life.  Every few minutes there is thunder and lightening and all the animals make their animal noises.  The elephants lift their trunks, the monkeys swing from the ceiling.  It’s all very entertaining and the food is pretty good too.   In addition to all the animals around the restaurant that put on a show it seems that we had a baboon at our table that gave us a pretty good show.

102_3871At this moment I am quite thankful that my sweet Kaitlyn does not read my blog…..because I am certain I would get a very loud “AUNT NAY!!!!” from her. So I will fail to tell her about this. And if you do, I will hunt you down and …… I don’t know what…I’ll have to figure that out.  But as you can clearly see we never lack for entertainment when Katie is around.  We don’t need to watch comedies or go to the movies.  We just need to wind Katie up and let her go.  Laughter will surely follow!!!!


My own personal princess! Katie feels she is quite deserving of a real tiara. We don't have the heart to tell her that she isn't a real princess and will never have the opportunity to rule a country or marry a prince.  But she looks cute in the tiara.

102_3880For a little girl with a big personality, I find it rather amusing that she is frightened of oversized stuffed animals.  Katie is loud, boisterous, funny, amazing, crazy and quirky. But she is completely creeped out by people wearing animal (anime or real) costumes. She only stood by Sonic for a few seconds in order for us to snap this picture. Then she ran.

Katie, I am blessed to be your aunt and I am blessed to be able to spend such precious time with you!


  1. If there is such a thing, YOUR having entirely way too much fun! ;) Enjoy it Sista!

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