
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Finding treasures……….

Yesterday was a beautiful snowy day here in Colorado! I had a few errands to run and I loved wandering through downtown as the snow fell all around me.  I was sorry I didn’t have my camera with me but I did manage to snap a picture with my phone. 
After I returned from my errands, I was allowed to go playing through Ma’s sewing cabinet! Again what a wonderful treasure trove of goodies!! I loved finding old magazines! It’s been such a hoot to go back and read some of the articles.  One diet magazine even encourages dieters to skip breakfast because there system is already full from the night before.  Why overeat when you’re already full? It asks.  Ah, the 70’s!

1,001 Sew and Save ideas! It  has some great concepts in it but let’s remember this was the 70’s.  It suggests that you sew your own luggage! Of course that was way before wheels and handles.
Or there was this gem! Crochet your own bikini!! Very easy and very affordable! But maybe, just maybe their yarn choices weren’t the best.  Making bull’s eyes on her breasts was probably not the smartest choice.
No matter what decade it was….this is a crime against fashion!!
This is one of my favorites!! Printed in 1974.  It’s a charming magazine about quilt making. 
It was so much fun to go back and read the best techniques of the day back then!
I loved looking through the old patterns and “Simplicity Fashion News.”  And I am really digging those plaid pants!
But one of my greatest thrills came from finding wooden spools, Most of which had the thread still on it! I loved digging around Ma’s sewing cabinet.  It was like a time capsule, a true window into the pass.  Now to try that meatloaf recipe from Woman’s Day that would be a blast!

1 comment:

  1. lucky girl, true treasures you found!! I can't ever imagine wearing a yarn bikini EEEEEKKKKKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


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