
Friday, February 12, 2010


There are no instructions for life.  There is no manual, no handbook, no user’s guide.  When you are born you have your parents to guide you but ultimately the living is up to you.  When you become a parent there are all kinds of books, magazines, etc that can try to tell you what to do. But only you can choose what lessons you will try to impart on your children.  Nobody can tell me what it means to be a friend to me but me.  And no one can explain to me who my perfect mate is, except me. 
The reason this is on my mind today is because the past couple of days have not been the easiest for me. I’ve had some challenges with my health and it’s kept me from being my bright, brilliant self.  In other words I’ve had too much time to think.  I am also working on a sewing project which I will proudly display on my blog shortly and there is no pattern. It’s something my crazy brain dreamed up.  Plus I am having a little bit of technical difficulties and have been trying to get this silly computer to do what I want it to do.  Both of these challenges is a practice of trial and error.  For some, this would drive you crazy.  For me, I find thrill in the hunt.  I want to be the one to find the solution for this situations. Yes, in both cases I could have someone else do the work it would take a little money and about half the time it’s taking me. But I enjoy the satisfaction of doing it myself.
I’ve lived my life with that same philosophy.  I find excitement, pleasure, pain and ultimately peace in learning life the hard way.  I always have.  This practice now serves me well as I am faced with my numerous health challenges.  My goal is to live my life to the fullest.  I may not get the pleasure of doing all the things another can do; but, I am blessed by how many miraculous things I can do.  My life is certainly different than what I saw as a child.  I never expected to not be able to work.  I never expected to be diagnosed with a neurological birth defect at 36.  I also never expected to be able to see with such clarity all the things that are truly important to me.  Namely, my loved ones, my family and my friends.  You are all what pushes me forward on those rough days like I’ve had recently.  Thank you for being blessings in my life! I love you bunches!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Renee, I hope you get to feeling better Soon! Love you


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