
Monday, March 29, 2010

Long Day of Traveling………

Saturday I flew from Colorado Springs to Seattle and spent the night in Seattle. Sunday I caught a 10 hour flight to Tokyo.  Once we arrived at the Tokyo airport I had to make the standard calls….food, drink and bathroom.  I found the toilets in the Tokyo rather amuzing.  One of the buttons on the side there is for a flushing sound.  You can even turn up or turn down the sound  based on your needs.  I guess this means my blog has now hit a new low as that is really a picture of a toilet! :)
While doing a little shopping in the Narita airport I spied this beautiful kimono.

After a 2+ hour connection I took a two and a half hour to Seoul. 
Then it was a three hour bus ride.
Then a thirty minute taxi ride followed by about a mile walk in the dark dragging our suitcases. Luckily it wasn’t too cold, snowing or raining. We finally got there safely  around 1am and I fell into bed exhausted!!!

100_4403While I was in Tokyo I came across a book store in the airport.   My son is quite the geek and I thought it would be nice of me to buy him an authentic Japanese manga. Of course, not being able to read Japanese I had to choose one based on the picture on the cover as the books are wrapped shut to prevent you from standing in the store and reading.   I know my son likes artwork of Japanese characters, especially girls. This one looked great, so I bought it. After arriving in Seoul, I discovered that it’s not exactly family friendly.  Yep, that’s right I bought my son hentai. Luckily, he’s 20, not 12. If you’re not familiar with the word I’ll let explain it to you.
Quote of the moment: Children lose their innocence the very moment they are forced to make excuses for their parent's bad behavior. ~Krista Delle Femine
Question to Ponder:  Can you find the humor in the situation even when you’re exhausted?


  1. I love you quote for today. This is exactly what I have been going through again the last 2 months. Making excuses for my Mother, BUT I have been doing this since I was a little girl. I have stopped these last couple of weeks and now she has gone hostile.


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