
Monday, May 10, 2010

Kieron Connolly………

Every now and again, someone comes into your life at the right time and for the right reasons.  They manage to say the words that you need to hear, when you are capable of hearing them. The Irish writer, Kieron Connolly, has been one of these brilliant people in my life.  I adored the prospect of being able to read a book and discuss its contents with the author.  There was an ease to our friendship that allowed me to completely speak my truth about the what I had discovered in the pages of his books.  If my commentary on his books were completely off base, the poise with which he carries himself allowed him to accept my opinion as honest interpretation of his works. 
I personally find that Kieron’s writing is more than words on the surface of pages in a novel.  It digs deeper into how wounded, broken people discover their own redeeming humanity. It also reminds me that all of us are subject to the failings of human nature.  We all do or have done things which we wish we shouldn’t have.  At the least, there are things that we were too afraid to do that we wish we should have.   Glorious mistakes Kieron called them today, as he found himself the guest of an Irish radio program. 
When one stops to take stock in their own life they will discover that, typically, they have learned a great deal more from their mistakes.   Getting it right teaches us nothing.  We learn quickest by trying and failing.  Heaven knows I have made my fair share of mistakes and I am nowhere near done making them either.  It doesn’t matter how many tries it takes for me to get it right.  I only need to get it right once for it to count.  Kieron thank you for sharing with us, with the world, your marvelous view of what a twisted, wreck humanity can be.   For it is through that mess, that we are able to find our own comfort in being ok with who we are. 
Kieron, I am blessed to have found not only compassion in your words; but faith through our friendship. Thank you for being brilliant and telling the truth about us, as humans. 
Kieron Connolly’s latest book “Harold” is available at Jillbeck Books.


  1. Yes, how lucky to discuss in depth a book you enjoy with the Author. There have been many books that I wish I could grab the author, a cup of coffee, and ask why why why WHY ;)

  2. literature as art is a wonderful thing - authors may have one thought in their hearts when writing but it is what is in the reader's heart that makes it real to him/her!


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