
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Questions, Thoughts, Musings

This journey that I am on has taken more twists and turns than I knew possible.  This time last year I was certain where my life would be. I knew what my future was going to look like. I understood what my life would hold for me. I now find myself questioning everything.  I look at the mistakes I have made in the past and I have no desire to repeat those mistakes.  I want to finally realize what true happiness looks like.  I want to know that everyday when I will not have to search for a reason to smile.  I would love to know that my only real challenge is my health and that everything else is simple and happy.  I want to go to bed every night knowing that I shared all my love with those around me.  There are so many complex things about life and its all too much for me.  I want to lay quietly in bed and be able to feel the peace that only God can bring.  I want to know that when my health will not allow me that those that love me are saying their prayers for me.  I want not to argue with anyone over stupid mundane things.  I want to be a student and a teacher for the rest of my life.  I want to always do what I can to help my fellow man.  I never want to judge anyone, let God by their judge.  The only thing God expects from me is to love them regardless of who they are.

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