
Friday, May 6, 2011

Finally seeing him

After hours on a planes and in airports, I finally arrive in Manila.  I managed to get through customs and immigration only get through the secure portion of the airport to find myself alone.  No Arnold. Now, I do not doubt his intention to be there for me at the airport, things happen.  What would I do if I arrived and he wasn't there.  What if there were some event that occurred that prohibited his arrival at the airport. I take a look around to discover there is no one waiting.  Obviously they are not allowed to wait inside the airport.  I venture outside the airport into the hot, humid air to find, once again, no one waiting.  There is a chorus of smells and sounds from the buses, taxis and cars picking up travelers.  But there are no people waiting. Being the educated travel agent that I am, I don't bother to ask.  No, I simply follow the hoards of other people escaping the airport with bags in tow.  I cross two or three congested lanes of traffic having no real idea of where I was going.  Once on the other side I can go to the left or the right.  Without rhyme or reason, I turn right and begin to descend the curving slope.  Watching my feet, I maintain the speed of my heavy bags so as not to hit the lady walking slowly in front of me.  When I finally get the chance to look up the first face I see is his.  Relief floods my body, as a smile fills my face.  His smile is as broad as mine as I make my way the final few feet to where he stands.  Finally, we embrace.

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