
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Casa Femme's Night Out

Our home has been lovingly dubbed "Casa Femme."  We began calling the detached garage "the casa" because it contains a small studio apartment.  The "femme" was added because there are four (counting miss Brooklyn) ladies that live here.

Tonight we decided to get dressed up and go out on the town!

The world's best roomies, Amanda and Dani.

Amanda and I, ready to paint the town red.

At the bar with Robby, Krista and Amanda!

Dani and her mustache, Amanda and Krista with her mustache.

Bud Light, Dani and her 'stache.

Apparently, Amanda is boring Robby.

She must have told him a joke to "un"bore him.

The girls and their 'staches.

Yellow 'stache, Krista and Robby.

Robby thinks yellow 'stache is hysterical!

One very adorable couple and great women to live with. 

Eric obviously enjoying Dani's brand of bump and grind.

Keith enjoying Amanda's bump and grind.

Such cuties! Dani and "Mr. Sexy" Eric.

We all had such a fun night out! Thanks for making it memorable.

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