
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Murder at the Four Deuces

The Birthday Boy, Brendon! AKA "Big Jim" who was murdered at the Four Deuces.

Brendon's friend, Heather.  AKA Inspector Nutella.

Our friend, Robby.  AKA Al Capone

Me as Madam Meme, owner of the Four Deuces, with Brendon as Big Jim before he was murdered.

Dani as Rhett Bumbler, Miss Brooklyn, and Amanda as Big Jim's daughter Rebecca.
Rebecca turns out to be the one guilty of murdering her father.

My niece Kaitlyn as Vicky Ravioli and my sister Tammy as Baroness Ravioli.

Roy as Cash Steal, Brendon as Big Jim, Heather as Inspector Nutella and Erik as Capo Tequila.

Dani "Rhett Bumbler" and Robby "Al Capone" conspiring.

All in all it was a great day for a murder.  The party was a smashing success and everyone enjoyed the fun of trying to solve the crime.

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!
Thanks for being the light of my life.  You have brought me so much happiness through the years. You have turned into a wonderful young man.  I love you!

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