
Friday, March 30, 2012

A visit from my bestie.

Robyn and I met when we were 15 on the first day of high school.  I won’t bore everyone with the story of how she was late to every class I shared with her (3-4) and I thought she was a complete buffoon. Anywho, it’s 20 something years later and she is still as close to me today as she was back in high school.  Luckily I was able to make it back from the Philippines in time to spend the day reminiscing with her and remembering just how much I miss her.
This evening it was so much fun to go to a local bar & grill where another of our friends, Jamie, works. It was a great evening!
Several years ago God graced her with her handsome little boy, Hunter, who is just a charming guy who stole my heart!!
Nine months ago God gave her another little blessing, Chloe!
This little angel is the apple of Mommy and Daddy’s eye!!
She is such a happy little blessing and they are so graced to have her complete their family.
Now I wouldn’t want you to get the wrong impression that she has only this perfect little family. Remember every silver lining has its dark cloud. She does have to contend with this joker.
Just razzing ya Dave! Seriously welcome home!!!!! It’s good to see you and the family are together again.
Have a very safe journey, my friends.  Sending you all my love!!

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