
Friday, July 20, 2012

Boyet’s Arrival

IMG_7923Currently, there is a man curled up next to me on our bed exhausted from too little sleep before travel and jet lag due to 33 hours of travel.  His journey to be by my side was long and arduous; but I am so thankful that he was willing to come. Finally he is here with me and the next stage of our journey begins.  It has been such a long hard trek to get to where we are and we are a long way from being finished with Arnold’s immigration journey.  Thankfully, we can be together for the rest of the journey.


Boyet took me completely by surprise when he gave me an engagement ring.  I feel so blessed to have him here with me.  Honestly, we are just a simple couple, wanting a simple life. Family, faith, health, happiness, prayer, and hard work are the things that matter most to us.  There are so many things about my life that have changed for the better because of my relationship with Boyet. He has shown me that the simplest way of living holds the biggest promise for happiness in the smallest of places.


The ring that he gave me is perfect. I love my ring but I love the man that gave it to me even more because of what is in his heart.  He is a good man who willingly takes on all of my medical issues.  I know it can be daunting when you look at all the things I deal with but he has become my rock who is always there for me when things get difficult. When my symptoms are at their worst he brings everything back to simplest things.  Breathe, eat, drink, relax, pray, etc.


Somehow he always has the magic words to make things seem ok in my life. I am such a lucky girl to have such an amazing man in my life. I thank God for bringing him into my life and now for bringing him safely by my side. Our future is bright and I am happy.


  1. Congrats on your engagement! You look so very happy to be together! Hope it helps to be together on your journey, and wishing you all the best!

  2. Congrats! I'm so happy for you!!

  3. The picture of Arnie giving you your ring should be framed. I've never seen such uncontained joy on the faces of two people so clearly in love with each other. That kind of raw emotion is the kind of love we should all seek, something transcendent. Transcendent of time, with no obstacle of distance, or race, age, gender, or past. Love with the power to overcome...that's what I'd hope for.



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