
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Week 1 Shop My Stash September

 Shop My Stash September is aimed at reacquainting you with products that are currently sitting unused and unloved in your makeup collection. Each week we will focus on using three products for one specific area, such as the face, lips or eyes. Week one we are focusing on face products. You should choose three face products that you aren't using much and commit to using them for one solid week.

These are the three face products that I am committed to using for week one of Shop My Stash September 

First up is my MAC NC15 Studio Finish Concealer. It has gotten pushed aside in favor of the L'Oreal crayon style concealer just because the L'Oreal is so much more convenient to use. The MAC Studio Finish Concealer is a great product that works beautifully. This will be the only concealer I used for Week 1.

Next up is the Mirabella Perfecting Powder. We received this in an Ipsy bag a few months ago. I have yet to even try this powder. So I have no idea if its any good or not. So I will give it a go for Week 1 and I will let you know what I think of it. 


Last but not least is my MAC Breezy blush. This blush is absolutely stunning but it feels more like a fall blush. It has the most beautiful sheen to it which is gorgeous when it catches the light. I'm gonna break this bad boy out and delight in the beauty that is Breezy.

If you are interested in joining for Shop My Stash September just visit this post to add your posts to blog link up.

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